WARNING: DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD ANY OTHER PLACE THAN NEXUSMODS. WWW. STARDEWVALLEY .NET STEALS MY AND OTHER PEOPLE'S MODS AND UPLOADS THEM ON THEIR WEBSITE WITHOUT PERMISSION. DON'T DOWNLOAD OUR MODS THERE This is a continuation of vigo1308's original emily portrait mod found here http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/emily-portrait-more-like-sprite.115646/#post-3046199 . Please go there and leave a like. Her work is what have inspire me and what I had base this mod on. All credit thanks to her. Somepeople had been asking for a 1.1 update of vigo1308's emily portait mod. As I too wanted this, I was sadden to find that the author had been absent from the community for several months. So I went to work making that 1.1 file for myself. At first I was going to just leave it as my own personal copy, but I decide that if this mod is abandoned maybe they be cool with me sharing. I tried getting ahold of the author with no real luck. So without further delay, let me introduce to you... Emily. This is a portrait and character sprite overhaul for Emily with couple options for her hair and outfit. Updated for game 1.1. Simply pick one matching portrait and character file and install in their respective folders. Hey you can even mis match your files. Blue portrait with blonde world sprite, why not. How is that possible you might ask Emily. She is a fashionista, that's how. Download: http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/636/? Read more about this mod...
Hey, I was wondering if you could show a non-nexus link, I seem to never be able to access nexusmods.com and by that, I mean either a download from this website or from an exact mirror download(not nexus mods)