v6ooo submitted a new mod: Extended Crafting Windows - Bigger crafting windows Read more about this mod...
v6ooo updated Extended GUI with a new update entry: Finished furnaces & shops Read the rest of this update entry...
v6ooo updated Extended GUI with a new update entry: Sorry, uploaded a .pak instead of .modpak Read the rest of this update entry...
Your best bet is to make the game scale down the UI for you. For most people the game is scaling the UI to x2 size but I know there's some resolutions that need x1 scale and not x2 scale. By default it changes to x1 scaling when you have a window resolution (or fullscreen) lower than 1000px width or 500px height. (either one) If you want to change this then you need to make some edits to interface.config. I compiled a mod for you so you don't have to edit any assets yourself but you might want to open interface.config.patch in notepad and tweak it if you need to. http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/ui-scaling.2596/
Hello v6ooo! I've recently been contacted about my mod, Spawnable Item Pack, not working together with yours. This is caused by both of our mods replacing the original spinningwheel.config in the windowconfig folder. Are you by any chance interested in making these mods compatible together?
I knew this would eventually happen, it was just a question of when. It is not possible for both our mods to coexist without a compatibility mod. I have already prepared one and will be uploading it shortly. It will break on any changes to your mod so I will need to update it every time you change something on your GUI window. My only question to you is, do your add-on packs change the window in any way?
The core mod has a replacement file for the Spinning Wheel windowconfig, that's it. I won't be changing it anymore either as I'm quite happy with the current style of the interface. Here's the diff file for Spirited vanilla and my current windowconfig: https://www.diffchecker.com/zixxpzk9 And this would be the combined body image:
Thanks for the images and diff but I had everything prepared already. I just ended up not uploading it as I got busy. <Edit> Extended GUI Compatibilty http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/extended-gui-compatibility.2863/
v6ooo updated Extended GUI with a new update entry: Updated for Pleased Giraffe Read the rest of this update entry...
Would you consider maybe making the frackinuniverse windows extended? I'm using both, and its so jarring to use one of the crafting stations from that mod after using this for so long.
Game crashes when I'm trying to access Glitch counter table althou I can pick it to inventory. Here's log: Start logging at: 2015-08-26 206:17.217 [206:17.217] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file '\Download\Starbound.Beta.Build.20150826\win64\sbboot.config' [206:17.217] Info: Star::Root using storage directory '\Download\Starbound.Beta.Build.20150826\giraffe_storage\' [206:17.217] Info: Preparing Star::Root... [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'Blocktableplus' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Blocktableplusv1.0.modpak' [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'RacialCrafting&Printing' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Racial Crafting & Printing_1.4 by Tremerion\.' [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'CLeF' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\CLeF - Common\.' [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'CLeF-Extra' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\CLeF - Extra\.' [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'FrackinUniverse' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\FrackinUniverse\.' [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'Improved Turrets' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\improved_turrets\.' [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'ds_mysterious_stars' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Mysterious Stars v1.5.modpak' [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'CLeF-Sandbox' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\CLeF - Sandbox\.' [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'Your Starbound Crew' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\YourUnstableStarboundCrew\.' [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'GardenBot2' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Gardenbot2\.' [206:17.221] Info: Detected mod 'Starbound Side Stories' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\StarboundSideStories\.' [206:17.221] Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config' [206:17.222] Info: Loading Star::Configuration from 'Just (.\..\giraffe_storage\starbound.config)' [206:17.223] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '.\..\giraffe_storage\starbound.config' [206:17.226] Info: Initializing Star::Root with 13 assets sources [206:17.226] Info: Done preparing Star::Root. [206:17.226] Info: Client Version 'Beta v. Pleased Giraffe - Update 2' Revision: c2c10bf66703ec4020262aeb3f131ddc65e7a355 Protocol: 691 [206:17.226] Info: Initialized SDL [206:17.238] Info: Initialized SDL Video [206:17.242] Info: Initialized SDL Joystick [206:17.243] Info: Initialized SDL Sound [206:17.257] Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer [206:17.258] Info: Loading Assets [206:17.258] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/packed.pak' [206:17.259] Info: Loading assets from: '../assets/user' [206:17.259] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Blocktableplusv1.0.modpak' [206:17.259] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Racial Crafting & Printing_1.4 by Tremerion\.' [206:17.259] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\CLeF - Common\.' [206:17.259] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\CLeF - Extra\.' [206:17.259] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\FrackinUniverse\.' [206:17.260] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\improved_turrets\.' [206:17.260] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Mysterious Stars v1.5.modpak' [206:17.260] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\CLeF - Sandbox\.' [206:17.260] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\YourUnstableStarboundCrew\.' [206:17.260] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Gardenbot2\.' [206:17.260] Info: Loading assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\StarboundSideStories\.' [206:18.051] Info: Done loading Assets in 0.793 seconds [206:18.054] Info: Loading NameGenerator [206:18.055] Info: Initializing SDL Window [206:18.061] Info: Done loading NameGenerator in 0.00699997 seconds [206:18.061] Info: Loading ObjectDatabase [206:18.271] Info: OpenGL version: '4.5.13399 Compatibility Profile Context 15.200.1062.1004' vendor: 'ATI Technologies Inc.' renderer: 'AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series' shader: '4.40' [206:18.271] Info: Created initial window 1440x900 [206:18.272] Info: Renderer initialized [206:18.272] Info: Renderer destroyed [206:18.272] Info: Initializing SDL Window [206:18.394] Info: OpenGL version: '4.5.13399 Compatibility Profile Context 15.200.1062.1004' vendor: 'ATI Technologies Inc.' renderer: 'AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series' shader: '4.40' [206:18.394] Info: Re-created window 1440x900 [206:18.396] Info: Renderer initialized [206:18.399] Info: Loading ImageMetadataDatabase [206:18.399] Info: Done loading ImageMetadataDatabase in 0 seconds [206:18.787] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\improved_turrets\.>. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'breakDropOptions' in pathApply("/breakDropOptions/0") [206:18.958] Error: Object flickeringfluorescentlight defined twice, second time from /objects/human/flickeringfluorescentlight/flickeringfluorescentlight.object [206:19.271] Error: Object bardoor defined twice, second time from /objects/avian/bardoor/bardoor.object [206:19.364] Info: Done loading ObjectDatabase in 1.303 seconds [206:19.364] Info: Loading PlantDatabase [206:19.661] Info: Done loading PlantDatabase in 0.296 seconds [206:19.661] Info: Loading ProjectileDatabase [206:20.130] Info: Done loading ProjectileDatabase in 0.469 seconds [206:20.130] Info: Loading MonsterDatabase [206:20.814] Info: Done loading MonsterDatabase in 0.684 seconds [206:20.814] Info: Loading NpcDatabase [206:21.005] Info: Done loading NpcDatabase in 0.191 seconds [206:21.005] Info: Loading StagehandDatabase [206:21.010] Info: Done loading StagehandDatabase in 0.00499988 seconds [206:21.010] Info: Loading PlayerFactory [206:21.273] Info: Done loading PlayerFactory in 0.263 seconds [206:21.273] Info: Loading EntityFactory [206:21.273] Info: Loading VersioningDatabase [206:21.274] Info: Done loading VersioningDatabase in 0.000999928 seconds [206:21.275] Info: Done loading EntityFactory in 0.00200009 seconds [206:21.275] Info: Loading ItemDatabase [206:29.981] Error: Could not load base image asset '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1.png', using placeholder default. (AssetException) No such asset '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1.png' [206:29.988] Error: Could not load image asset '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1.png:default', using placeholder default. (AssetException) No associated frames file found for image '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1.png' while resolving image frame '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1.png:default' [206:29.998] Error: Could not load base image asset '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1icon.png', using placeholder default. (AssetException) No such asset '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1icon.png' [2061.168] Error: Could not load image asset '/objects/hylotl/underwaterlightsmall/underwaterlightsmall.png:default.default', using placeholder default. (AssetException) No such frame default.default in frames spec /objects/hylotl/underwaterlightsmall/underwaterlightsmall.frames [2061.393] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\improved_turrets\.>. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'breakDropOptions' in pathApply("/breakDropOptions/0") [2063.338] Info: Loading FunctionDatabase [2063.401] Info: Done loading FunctionDatabase in 0.0639999 seconds [2063.401] Info: Loading ParticleDatabase [2063.602] Info: Done loading ParticleDatabase in 0.201 seconds [2067.429] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase [2067.429] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase [2067.681] Info: Done loading MaterialDatabase in 0.252 seconds [2067.689] Info: Done loading LiquidsDatabase in 0.26 seconds [2069.340] Info: Done loading ItemDatabase in 18.065 seconds [2069.340] Info: Loading TerrainDatabase [2069.370] Info: Done loading TerrainDatabase in 0.0300002 seconds [2069.370] Info: Loading BiomeDatabase [2069.775] Info: Done loading BiomeDatabase in 0.405 seconds [2069.775] Info: Loading StatusEffectDatabase [2069.879] Info: Done loading StatusEffectDatabase in 0.104 seconds [2069.880] Info: Loading DamageDatabase [206:40.068] Info: Done loading DamageDatabase in 0.188 seconds [206:40.068] Info: Loading EffectSourceDatabase [206:40.125] Info: Done loading EffectSourceDatabase in 0.0569999 seconds [206:40.125] Info: Loading TreasureDatabase [206:40.246] Info: Done loading TreasureDatabase in 0.12 seconds [206:40.246] Info: Loading DungeonDefinitions [206:41.146] Info: Done loading DungeonDefinitions in 0.9 seconds [206:41.147] Info: Loading EmoteProcessor [206:41.147] Info: Done loading EmoteProcessor in 0 seconds [206:41.147] Info: Loading SpeciesDatabase [206:41.158] Info: Done loading SpeciesDatabase in 0.0109999 seconds [206:41.158] Info: Loading QuestTemplateDatabase [206:41.328] Info: Done loading QuestTemplateDatabase in 0.17 seconds [206:41.328] Info: Loading AiDatabase [206:41.349] Info: Done loading AiDatabase in 0.0209999 seconds [206:41.349] Info: Loading TechDatabase [206:41.365] Info: Done loading TechDatabase in 0.016 seconds [206:41.365] Info: Loading CodexDatabase [206:41.502] Info: Done loading CodexDatabase in 0.137 seconds [206:41.502] Info: Loading BehaviorDatabase [206:41.578] Info: Done loading BehaviorDatabase in 0.076 seconds [206:41.580] Info: Done fully loading Star::Root [206:41.583] Info: Renderer destroyed [206:43.467] Info: Renderer initialized [206:46.652] Info: Renderer destroyed [206:46.798] Info: UniverseServer: Acquiring universe lock file [206:46.841] Info: UniverseServer: Loading settings [206:46.842] Info: UniverseServer: No default world set; using randomized starter worlds [206:46.842] Info: UniverseServer: Starting UniverseServer with UUI 1c06693e8d0267a20bd16fb9ac1c642a [206:46.861] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in player 'McAule' locally [206:46.861] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account '<anonymous>' as player 'McAule' from address local [206:46.863] Info: UniverseServer: Reviving player at CelestialWorld:-258538937:827127130:-176548125:5:6 [206:46.863] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'McAule' <1> (local) connected [206:46.864] Info: UniverseClient: Joined server as client 1 [206:46.945] Info: UniverseServer: Loading celestial world -258538937:827127130:-176548125:5:6 [206:46.945] Info: UniverseServer: Loading client ship world ClientShipWorld:c435110d4285b5783c0f181972d8b563 [206:47.158] Info: Renderer initialized [206:50.557] Error: Exception caught loading asset: /interface/windowconfig/kitchen.config, (AssetException) Could not read variant asset /interface/windowconfig/kitchen.config [0] 7ff794241903 [1] 7ff79423dff8 [2] 7ff79423e128 [3] 7ff793d39b80 [4] 7ff79437afb3 [5] 7ffefd7bc710 _C_specific_handler [6] 7ffefd7b2ac2 _FrameUnwindFilter [7] 7fff0b325923 RtlCaptureContext [8] 7ff793d3af40 [9] 7ff793d34c7f [10] 7ff793d387d6 [11] 7ff793d36459 [12] 7ff793d3c076 [13] 7ff7942ad277 [14] 7ff793d33e05 [15] 7ff793d33218 [16] 7ff793d32fcf [17] 7ff793d32bc2 [18] 7ff793d327c1 [19] 7ff793d2e911 [20] 7ff793d2eb5f [21] 7ff793bd390d [22] 7ff793b89ef8 [23] 7ff793b74d27 [24] 7ff793b77783 [25] 7ff793b5fe49 [26] 7ff793b5cfa4 [27] 7ff79422708d [28] 7ff793b6c530 [29] 7ff794349b2d [30] 7ff794349890 [31] 7ff7943482f2 [32] 7fff08b12d92 BaseThreadInitThunk [33] 7fff0b299f64 RtlUserThreadStart Caused by: (AssetException) No such asset '/interface/windowconfig/kitchen.config' [0] 7ff794241903 [1] 7ff79423dff8 [2] 7ff793d31a78 [3] 7ff793d31b32 [4] 7ff793d3af40 [5] 7ff793d34c7f [6] 7ff793d387d6 [7] 7ff793d36459 [8] 7ff793d3c076 [9] 7ff7942ad277 [10] 7ff793d33e05 [11] 7ff793d33218 [12] 7ff793d32fcf [13] 7ff793d32bc2 [14] 7ff793d327c1 [15] 7ff793d2e911 [16] 7ff793d2eb5f [17] 7ff793bd390d [18] 7ff793b89ef8 [19] 7ff793b74d27 [20] 7ff793b77783 [21] 7ff793b5fe49 [22] 7ff793b5cfa4 [23] 7ff79422708d [24] 7ff793b6c530 [25] 7ff794349b2d [26] 7ff794349890 [27] 7ff7943482f2 [28] 7fff08b12d92 BaseThreadInitThunk [29] 7fff0b299f64 RtlUserThreadStart [206:50.561] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (AssetException) Error loading asset /interface/windowconfig/kitchen.config [0] 7ff794241903 [1] 7ff79423dff8 [2] 7ff793d39ac5 [3] 7ff793d3286c [4] 7ff793d2e911 [5] 7ff793d2eb5f [6] 7ff793bd390d [7] 7ff793b89ef8 [8] 7ff793b74d27 [9] 7ff793b77783 [10] 7ff793b5fe49 [11] 7ff793b5cfa4 [12] 7ff79422708d [13] 7ff793b6c530 [14] 7ff794349b2d [15] 7ff794349890 [16] 7ff7943482f2 [17] 7fff08b12d92 BaseThreadInitThunk [18] 7fff0b299f64 RtlUserThreadStart [206:50.565] Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting... [206:50.839] Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed [206:51.008] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'McAule' <1> (local) disconnected [206:51.132] Info: UniverseServer: World thread has stopped due to inactivity, removing world ClientShipWorld:c435110d4285b5783c0f181972d8b563 [206:51.472] Info: UniverseServer: Stopping UniverseServer [206:52.194] Info: Renderer destroyed [206:52.195] Info: Application quitting! [206:52.195] Info: Client shutdown gracefully [206:52.416] Info: Shutting down Star::Root I've found already that it's not a FU fault as they don't do kitchens. Waiting for a response from CLeF maker as they have some kithen stuff. But your mod does have some kitchen related settings stuff. Any ideas?
Just wanted to say, before the author of extended gui starts troubleshooting, that the cause of this crash is racial crafting and printing, not this mod
Not right now. Possibly at a later point but I would also have to ask sayter for permission. According to your log you're not even using Extended GUI. My mod does not modify kitchen.config which shouldn't even be in use in Pleased Giraffe. You have a mod that is not updated for Pleased Giraffe or carrying an item that was generated before Pleased Giraffe. There are obvious errors in your log if you just look at them... Code: [20:36:18.787] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\improved_turrets\.>. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'breakDropOptions' in pathApply("/breakDropOptions/0") [20:36:29.981] Error: Could not load base image asset '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1.png', using placeholder default. (AssetException) No such asset '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1.png' [20:36:29.988] Error: Could not load image asset '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1.png:default', using placeholder default. (AssetException) No associated frames file found for image '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1.png' while resolving image frame '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1.png:default' [20:36:29.998] Error: Could not load base image asset '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1icon.png', using placeholder default. (AssetException) No such asset '/objects/generic/wreckconsole1/wreckconsole1icon.png' [20:36:31.168] Error: Could not load image asset '/objects/hylotl/underwaterlightsmall/underwaterlightsmall.png:default.default', using placeholder default. (AssetException) No such frame default.default in frames spec /objects/hylotl/underwaterlightsmall/underwaterlightsmall.frames [20:36:31.393] Error: Could not apply patch from backend: Folder <../giraffe_storage/mods\improved_turrets\.>. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'breakDropOptions' in pathApply("/breakDropOptions/0") [20:36:50.557] Error: Exception caught loading asset: /interface/windowconfig/kitchen.config, (AssetException) Could not read variant asset /interface/windowconfig/kitchen.config [0] 7ff794241903 [1] 7ff79423dff8 [2] 7ff79423e128 [3] 7ff793d39b80 [4] 7ff79437afb3 [5] 7ffefd7bc710 _C_specific_handler [6] 7ffefd7b2ac2 _FrameUnwindFilter [7] 7fff0b325923 RtlCaptureContext [8] 7ff793d3af40 [9] 7ff793d34c7f [10] 7ff793d387d6 [11] 7ff793d36459 [12] 7ff793d3c076 [13] 7ff7942ad277 [14] 7ff793d33e05 [15] 7ff793d33218 [16] 7ff793d32fcf [17] 7ff793d32bc2 [18] 7ff793d327c1 [19] 7ff793d2e911 [20] 7ff793d2eb5f [21] 7ff793bd390d [22] 7ff793b89ef8 [23] 7ff793b74d27 [24] 7ff793b77783 [25] 7ff793b5fe49 [26] 7ff793b5cfa4 [27] 7ff79422708d [28] 7ff793b6c530 [29] 7ff794349b2d [30] 7ff794349890 [31] 7ff7943482f2 [32] 7fff08b12d92 BaseThreadInitThunk [33] 7fff0b299f64 RtlUserThreadStart Caused by: (AssetException) No such asset '/interface/windowconfig/kitchen.config' [0] 7ff794241903 [1] 7ff79423dff8 [2] 7ff793d31a78 [3] 7ff793d31b32 [4] 7ff793d3af40 [5] 7ff793d34c7f [6] 7ff793d387d6 [7] 7ff793d36459 [8] 7ff793d3c076 [9] 7ff7942ad277 [10] 7ff793d33e05 [11] 7ff793d33218 [12] 7ff793d32fcf [13] 7ff793d32bc2 [14] 7ff793d327c1 [15] 7ff793d2e911 [16] 7ff793d2eb5f [17] 7ff793bd390d [18] 7ff793b89ef8 [19] 7ff793b74d27 [20] 7ff793b77783 [21] 7ff793b5fe49 [22] 7ff793b5cfa4 [23] 7ff79422708d [24] 7ff793b6c530 [25] 7ff794349b2d [26] 7ff794349890 [27] 7ff7943482f2 [28] 7fff08b12d92 BaseThreadInitThunk [29] 7fff0b299f64 RtlUserThreadStart [20:36:50.561] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (AssetException) Error loading asset /interface/windowconfig/kitchen.config [0] 7ff794241903 [1] 7ff79423dff8 [2] 7ff793d39ac5 [3] 7ff793d3286c [4] 7ff793d2e911 [5] 7ff793d2eb5f [6] 7ff793bd390d [7] 7ff793b89ef8 [8] 7ff793b74d27 [9] 7ff793b77783 [10] 7ff793b5fe49 [11] 7ff793b5cfa4 [12] 7ff79422708d [13] 7ff793b6c530 [14] 7ff794349b2d [15] 7ff794349890 [16] 7ff7943482f2 [17] 7fff08b12d92 BaseThreadInitThunk [18] 7fff0b299f64 RtlUserThreadStart I could tell from the error log that this has nothing to do with me but I was typing up a reply right as you did
I'll look into it. Cheers guys. EDIT: Yes. Finally. It was indeed racial crafting and printing. Thanks for the help folks.
Would it ever be possible to extend the codex menus? Some of the codex entries have titles so long that they end up chopped off
v6ooo updated Extended GUI with a new update entry: No new version for Glad Giraffe Read the rest of this update entry...
v6ooo updated Extended GUI with a new update entry: Updated for Cheerful Giraffe Read the rest of this update entry...
v6ooo updated Extended GUI with a new update entry: Updated to .metadata/.pak format Read the rest of this update entry...
v6ooo updated Extended GUI with a new update entry: Teleporter window Read the rest of this update entry...
It's not associated with this mod, but since you are fighting with gui i can ask you. Lets say i have table {{name =bandage, count = 600},{name = dirt, count = 1234}} obtained from one of my scripts function, and i want to show that data in the scrollArea part of the gui in my custom machine. And of course i want to detect selected position and call specific function then button is pressed. Is it possible?