This is a ship designed for only one purpose, everything. It comes with a massive farm area to allow you to mass grow just about every crop, 2 storage areas adjacent to the main hall, (the crates aren't empty!) 2 massive rooms you can do with what you please, and a moderately sized compartment near the engines to be used for what you please. This ship is very basic in internals and is meant to be heavily customized by the player, everything but the teleporter is breakable basically. You could easily use this ship as your multiplayer party's home base or as a massive farm since crops always grow in space. I'd love to see everyone who gets this attempt to fill this ship up with as much stuff as they can, good luck. YOU WILL HAVE MINOR LAG ON THE BEST OF COMPUTERS! This is a major work in progress and my first rushed attempt at a mod, do not expect support until I fully flesh this out as a mod as opposed to a quickly built ship.
I like this part. It's the best untold truth I ever read. Minor lag on the best of comps. Not telling about NOT the best of comps. Uh-huh. Yep. SEEMS LEGIT