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Bug/Issue Error with Maru

Discussion in 'Support' started by BaldurAnthology, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. BaldurAnthology

    BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

    In my main file I married Maru, the girl who works at the clinic etc. ANYWAY.. I went to visit her at work and hugged her behind the counter while she was in her uniform. She turned into two wood (Or at least brown) bars then turned back to normal nurse Maru. Just thought I'd let you know something was screwed up there.
    • dharjhester

      dharjhester Void-Bound Voyager

      Same happened to me, I've taken the liberty to upload a snapshot I've taken of it

      • drakenwolfe

        drakenwolfe Intergalactic Tourist

        glad to know i'm not the only one
        • BaldurAnthology

          BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

          Indeed. Let's hope it fixes... I'll test it on my main file today
          • BaldurAnthology

            BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

            Also your image is broken
            • ishKiia

              ishKiia Aquatic Astronaut

              same problem among other issues with Maru
              • BaldurAnthology

                BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

                Clarify what issues you're having otherwise the Devs cannot fix them
                • Lil' Mini

                  Lil' Mini Phantasmal Quasar

                  It's probably because "Nurse Maru" doesn't have a certain sprite for hugging. In another post regarding marriage with other characters, (A wee bit o' modding and/or editing in the game files) one of our fellow farmers married Jodi, and since she doesn't have a kiss or hugging movement, she turned into 2 blue bars for the duration of the action.
                  • BaldurAnthology

                    BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

                    I don't know why Nurse Maru doesn't have a sprite for hugging... I mean... as a newlywed in a small town why would we not stop in at where our spouse works and give them a quick kiss to help them get through the day? :D
                    • Lil' Mini

                      Lil' Mini Phantasmal Quasar

                      Could have been a simple miss from our lord and savior ConcernedApe. :rofl:

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