I've progressed fairly far int he game, and decided to marry Penny. After a couple days, I regretted it completely. She seemed to lose her whole personality and kept requesting things I did not want to do, like have animals and such. If I knew this was going to happen, I would have never gave her the bouquet or marry her. I also read, once multiplayer is added, you can marry another PC, and I'd rather not be married at all. I want to keep the rest of my stuff though. As if I never married or romanced Penny. How do I go about doing this without starting over completely? I've tried editing the SaveFileInfo and even the Jera-########## file, and only ended up making it so the game crashes when I try to load the save. (I made backups first.) So, I'm very turned away from the game right now. :/ I'd rather just be single and on my farm than be in a romance. Can someone looking into how to erase a marriage completely (including the fact you gave the person a bouquet)? A lot of people seem to be bothered with how the personality of their chosen partner has changed after marriage. I'm one of those people too, and knowing I can marry a PC in the future, further bothers me on this, as I don't want to be stuck to a NPC in the game. Please help? Jera/Jen Here are my save files as well.
Well, there are a lot of places where CA said you will be able to marry other players in multiplayer. Here's the first I could dig up. http://shogungamer.com/news/16464/stardew-valley-developer-interview Eric: There are 10 eligible bachelors/bachelorettes in Stardew Valley. Same-sex romance/marriage is absolutely allowed. Romance works in a similar way to Harvest Moon, although I'm trying some things out to make the process less of a grind (I'm trying to avoid the old "bring so and so their favorite gift every single day until they marry you"). Each datable character has at least 5 unique event cutscenes... there's lots of surprises there. For multiplayer I am planning on allowing players to marry other players.
There are other search engines besides google you know, can't imagine them all being blocked in China. https://startpage.com/ https://ixquick.com/ https://duckduckgo.com/ And even https://www.bing.com/
Just so you know the requesting animals type thing happens with all romances. They are programmed to occaisionally water plants or do other chores and if those are not present they comment on the lack there of.
I understand this with all romances with NPCs, but when multiplayer comes out, I want to marry a PC, as in another player. So, I need to erase my current marriage. I'd rather not be in a romance with any NPC, thus the request to erase my marriage and romance without losing everything. Is it possible to do this? I've tried editing the saves myself, but I can't do it. I put this here for someone who does have the knowledge to make a quick mod to do it, or possibly walk me through it. I don't want to get married to a NPC at all. If I had known all about this before I did, I would have never romanced anyone, much less marry them. I simply want my farm back, as if I never gave Penny the bouquet and the marriage thing.
Sounds like you could use a little help from A&S -> http://community.playstarbound.com/...ivorce-proceedings-and-child-services.109036/ It ain't 100% perfect, but it'll do what you want.