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RELEASED Enhanced Storage 6.0.4

A quality of life mod which improves the whole storage system of Starbound.

  1. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    Quote from the latest mod update: "New storage objects from SB update 1.3 are now also supported." Basically all new space containers should be supported.
  2. Quinch

    Quinch Cosmic Narwhal

    Whups, looks like I was running 2.8.0. My bad!
  3. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    At first, thanks for your suggestions and your help to improve Enhanced Storage!

    1. It should be no problem to add this in the next update
    2. Maybe it's possible but coding this mechanic would need a lot of time, so I would say no yet
    3. I guess you mean the cyan border from the active search. Hm, I need to think about that.
    4. Currently, quantity is a secondary sorting order (after e.g. rarity, type or name). I'm not sure if this makes sense, I mean, if you sort by type the current system sort the items by quantity automatically after the primary sorting. Furthermore what would be the secondary sorting after quantity (in case when quantity is the same).
    5. Hm, maybe I could add this to the options menu for each container. Let me think about it. :)
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
  4. CodeTrooper

    CodeTrooper Space Spelunker

    I want to uninstall the hoarder addon but not the main mod. However removing the addon .pak doesn't fix anything and chests go only back to normal size when I take out both mods. Is there some other way to do that?

    [EDIT] By the way AWESOME mod! Fixes a lot of inventory problems. I was wondering if by chance there would be a "quick stack to nearby chests" so if I have a bunch of chests for a bunch of different loot I can press that button and it basically does the same thing as the quick stack feature you added, except it does it for all the chests in range.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2017
  5. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    Basically you only have to remove the hoarder addon, all chests should turn into chests from the main mod...
    I think your suggestion would be possible but, lets say. no. :)
  6. CodeTrooper

    CodeTrooper Space Spelunker

    Sorry if my message wasn't clear, but, when I remove the hoarder addon the container sizes stay the same (hoarder size) instead of the regular size (from the main mod). I was just wondering if that's a bug and if there's a way to fix that.
  7. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    I'm pretty sure that you would have to replace the containers to update the slot count.
  8. Reyghel

    Reyghel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Muchas Gracias por actualizar este mod para la versiĆ³n 1.3 , ahora podre ir recolectando todos los objetos he items necesarios para construir mis poblados, ciudades, almacenes y mas. A demas de coleccionar todo lo que pueda.

    Thank you very much for updating this mod for version 1.3, now you can go collecting all the necessary items to build my towns, cities, stores and more. Other than collecting everything you can.
  9. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    Thanks and have fun. ;)
  10. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    NeoVanAlemania updated Enhanced Storage with a new update entry:

    Search improvements

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    hello! how would I go about asking for support for containers for my upcoming mod? I've already written the patches, so I would only need you to add them with your next update. thank you in advance!
  12. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    What's your upcoming mod? Basically I create the patch files by myself but if you already created the needed files you can just send me them, for example via dropbox or any free file hoster. ;)
  13. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    Just some a few new furniture items. Here are the patches! The name of the mod itself will be "Frontier Expansion" if you wanted to edit the metadata.
  14. blogg10

    blogg10 Void-Bound Voyager

    Love the mod, but unfortunately it doesn't work - every container I've tried to open with it has caused the game to straight-up crash. Other mods I am using are XS Mechs, Frackin Races, and Universal Uncrafter.

    "Exception caught in client main-loop (WidgetParserException) Failed to find textbox callback named: 'searchField'
  15. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    @blogg10, you need to uninstall Improved Containers to use Enhanced Storage.

    Edit: Sorry @NeoVanAlemania, I thought it was my own thread. Hope you don't mind me answering.
  16. blogg10

    blogg10 Void-Bound Voyager

    Any answer is helpful; but I don't understand - those are the only mods I have installed, and one of my first troubleshooting attempts was a fresh Starbound install - I had an issue before installing this mod where I had some truly ancient specimens installed that utterly ruined my game when I loaded in, so I did a fresh install and added only the mods linked in my post.

    Edit: Please ignore me, I just realised I was trying to mod my game manually from the forums while simultaneously having a crapload of Steam Workshop mods installed, including Improved Containers. Trying it again now to see if it works :p thank you!
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2017
  17. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    @v6ooo: Hehe no problem, it's a public discussion, you are always allowed to answer here. Furthermore I'm glad you're alive. ;)
  18. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    Thanks for your files! I checked your mod files and I figured out that the _metadata file is missing. Without this file I can't customize the loading order of supported mods. If you don't know how this file looks like you can look into the files of Enhanced Storage.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2017
  19. rare_candy_bracelet

    rare_candy_bracelet Existential Complex

    uh, whoops. idk how i could've forgotten that. here it is.
  20. NeoVanAlemania

    NeoVanAlemania Space Kumquat

    Eh... you have to add this file to your mod directory.
    Furthermore it's not a *.txt file. The formating of the file is also incorrect. Just copy the _metadata file from Enhanced Storage and make the changes for your mod.

    EDIT: Just put this file in your mod directory: https://ufile.io/b0t3n
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2017

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