Emo Fluffalo Timer

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by ISaidNo2U, Apr 6, 2018.

  1. ISaidNo2U

    ISaidNo2U Subatomic Cosmonaut

    How long does it take for the fire fluffalo to be harvest-able?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2018
  2. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Are you answering yourself here? :wut:
  3. JaxATK

    JaxATK Space Hobo

    Sorry he has short term memory loss.
  4. ISaidNo2U

    ISaidNo2U Subatomic Cosmonaut


    seariosuly, what?

    i don't understand

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