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RELEASED Elunite Race Mod 2.0.2

Adds Elunite as a playable Race!

  1. Aimlessimp05

    Aimlessimp05 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Just amazing guys. IM gunna run around and enjoy the new stuff wislt is re-download skyrim.
  2. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    Since the majority of main Race is pretty much finished... now... NOW we get to have more fun with the mod. So this week it's been a point of in-tress to start adding objects and possibly furniture. We haven't gotten to making furniture.. yet, but we have started bending neon lights around. Here's a sneak peak of 2 animated signs we've made.



    Also as you can see we added a craft able VR helmet which was unannounced (with the 1.0.1 release). It became part of the circuitry outfit sets, and we have made 2 more to go with the rest of the outfits on the next update.

    VR Helmet for Basic Circuitry - Sorting Hat for Gi Outfit and a Modified (Racer) for Kinky Outfit

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2016
    tealsummernights likes this.
  3. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    So it's about time we talk about the next up coming update probably this weekend if everything goes well. Yes i mean the 1.0.2 release coming your way. We've been shuffling ideas around thinking about touching up on few things but haven't had any user feed back on what needs or could be improved. Since we are assuming things are going electrifying-ly well, we started working on adding random components.
    such as?
    Lately I've had the urge to create more Warframe references due to the resemblance Corpus has to the Tron legacy.
    So here is a screenshot of the Corpus Locker.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] (It Glows)

    We also thought it would be pretty fun to add destructible crates from warframe which would mimic random Vases you found on planets.

    Also here's the animated version of it [​IMG] looks like an icon xD

    And some wall lockers
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
  4. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    Aimlessimp05 likes this.
  5. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    So we had a fun late night and early morning experimenting with lamp posts. We were testing out a hat i made and turned it into a lamp post and 1 things led to the next... we replaced the pet. We thought the original pet fit the race because it was sort of like a pet viruses, but then we ended up leading to a creation of the pixar lamp. So now we have a pixar lamp pet as our ship pet, but if we had to name it... it would be an... "Elulight" pet.


    and well after having 1 too many Elubeers... we picked a fight with a lamp post.
  6. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    So for those who don't check the upcoming features frequently, we have a new surprise. We spent the weekend end experimenting with furniture and made a full set for you to enjoy which will be release next upcoming update.

  7. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    Omnija updated Elunite Race Mod with a new update entry:

    Furnishing the Grid

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    After another big update we've decided to add a few more things leaning towards the new pet we've introduced. The Nano has become more adapted to the race and has opened doors to a whole lot more furniture. The Nano Furniture will be a miniaturized version of the elunite white type furniture and will be usable.

    As you can see im sitting on the chair xD
    tealsummernights likes this.
  9. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    This week we decided to target something new, something we started but didn't fully add into the game.. We will be touching up on action figures. we have already made 2 which were craft able but did not count towards the collection and has been implemented. Our plans are to make at least 5 for now based on past items or sprites we had already created to bring some light to them.

  10. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    Here's a sneak peak to the Nano Furniture set (and some trophies), which is a miniaturized version of the white grid furnishing. Will be obtainable through the terramart merchant, as for the trophies they have been added but not obtainable (YET). This is because we will be needing to add quest before the trophies are obtainable. Currently 7 trophies has been made 3 of which are a secret.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
  11. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    Omnija updated Elunite Race Mod with a new update entry:

    Furnishing for the Nano + More

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    This next 2 weeks we probably won't be progressing as much as we have been the last 2 month. Anyways, as for a progress report, we started working on the inside of the ship. We wanted to rid the apex objects and hopefully replace it with some of our stuff. Here's a 2 of the objects we have been working on, the locker and sail tech station.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
    tealsummernights likes this.
  13. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    Been playing with doors and trying to get the right door to fit the rest of the ship. We ended up making 2 different doors and troubled between which 1 to choose from...

    Attached Files:

  14. Sotaeko

    Sotaeko Phantasmal Quasar

    I want to use both
  15. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    Sneak peak of something special, we will be incorporating official Star wars Jedi Lightsabers- Retractable and all.
    Lets play a game .. It's called GUESS THOSE SABER!

    Attached Files:

  16. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    I just had an Elunite move into my house. Very cool. Gonna try to recruit him for my crew.
    Sotaeko likes this.
  17. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    This weekend we will be Pushing the latest update which will include ship overhaul.

    Attached Files:

  18. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

    Omnija updated Elunite Race Mod with a new update entry:

    Elunite Ship Overhaul

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. KaleShibata12

    KaleShibata12 Phantasmal Quasar

    Very minor nitpick, but the interceptor set on females appears to give them a male body sprite structure, meaning mixing and matching some of them will leave those odd gap apperances.

    Everything else I've tested so far seems pretty well off, but I haven't gotten to the colony npcs yet. I'll mention back if its got anything weird going on.
  20. Omnija

    Omnija Cosmic Narwhal

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