Heya. I have no idea how to start this. I'm an avid gamer, and currently learning code and aiming to go to a college for game art and design. (Design meaning level design .etc Not just art.) I've climbed a volcano, I love to hike, stargaze, I have a telescope and I absolutely adore space. I'm lookin' for friendships, fun and modding help here on this forum. If you like me already then you can add me on steam! http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheFourSe4sons/ I'm new to modding on Starbound, and I'd like to know more and be able to create an abundance of mods one day. Uuuh, yeaaah! I think that's about it I guess, see you 'round!
Welcome to the livelier side of the multiverse! Hope you enjoy your stay with us! (What language do you prefer to code with? The language says a lot about the person, lol. )
I'm sort of new to coding. I've started learning Java, C++ and SQL. I've heard that Python is the easiest/funnest though!
Haha, sounds awesome! Python is fun. But the space-sensitive syntax really kills some people, lol. C++ is probably one of the easiest and most maleable languages to learn in my opinion. It's not too pretty at times, but I personally prefer it.
Welcome aboard ^-^ I personally never used python xD c++ can be funny when using oop. Comments are essential when using lots of classes imo ^^ If you want to stick around with .net you could use c# It's really easy to setup simple programs within minutes. Java and c++ are in most cases similar in the syntax so it's a good choice learning both together. I'd also recommend sticking around with the whole theory stuff (although it can be boring in some cases). A lot of things will get easier when preparing bigger projects with some uml-diagrams and stuff. ~ Iris ~
Everything. Can't go into options, crashes the game. Can't load character, crashes the game. It erased all my data as well and now even the starbound log itself is going bonkers, so I guess I have to reinstall it.
Mmh. You should bring this up to the Support section if it still shows up. That's a weird thing though
I have 195 other games that I can play, mate! But.. I've played them all and I'm bored now. Heh. 'Least I got the stupid recipe to work!