I need help with the effect IDs / Names of almost all effects. It should be like "partytime" "lanternglow" "regeneration4"...
Will unpack the game or use that list, but maybe a clear list with only the effects can help me more.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets\stats\effects After unpacking your assets, go here. This is where they are.
The unpacked assets pretty much give you a list just by looking at the folder they are stored in, as Silverforte said, they'd be in \stats\effects Each folder might have more than one effect in it, but it's probably the best source of effects you could hope for. Nothing beats looking at vanilla source, especially cause you can also see what each effect can do.
The github page is not working and the assets are a pak file unavaiable for any unpacking program Please just post a list here ctr+c / ctr+v will do it, or a spoiler, or anything simple