Modding Help Easy question! Sprite position?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Dairyqueen, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. Dairyqueen

    Dairyqueen Space Hobo

    I am trying to make an alligator to replace the dog sprite in game but whenever i load it into the game its glitchy. I think it has something to do with the sprite positions and I was doing some googling and someone said the draw position or pattern is hardcoded into the game for the dog and cat.. SO can anyone whos made a dog mod tell me, whats a good guide/example of where to place my sprites so they work? I know there a lot of successful dog mods out there, so im sure someone has figured out the "pattern".
    • monteso

      monteso Big Damn Hero

      Trail and error. If your finding that one animation is slightly off by one pixel making it " vibrate ". Just keep editing the tilesheet, moving the sprite back and forth, till you get it right. When making my Pet Jumino and Pet Crow mods I must have been opening and closing the game hundreds of times, seeing if my edits worked.
        Dairyqueen likes this.
      • Dairyqueen

        Dairyqueen Space Hobo

        Yeah, i figured. Pretty irritating. sucks theres no real method. Thanks anyway!
        • Mr.Mudkipss

          Mr.Mudkipss Big Damn Hero

          hey, if you have aseprite, it makes it a lot easier! You can see the animations while your working, without having to pack the file! Just upload the sprite sheet and tada!

          You could also, if you have, just open each frame in a different file, and quickly flip through the tabs.
            Dairyqueen likes this.
          • Dairyqueen

            Dairyqueen Space Hobo

            Thank you a lot, ill give it a try!

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