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RELEASED Easy PAK Un/Packer 1.0

Allows you to easily pack and unpack starbound asset files big or small.

  1. BILLY500436

    BILLY500436 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    BILLY500436 submitted a new mod:

    Easy PAK Un/Packer - Allows you to easily pack and unpack starbound asset files big or small.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

    Doesn’t this already exist?
  3. BILLY500436

    BILLY500436 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not sure but it probably exists and may be better than mine, I just made my own after looking at the syntax used for the asset_unpacker.exe then made a batch script using Windows Command Prompt's references and commands. I would've made an executable but I don't know anything about handling files in any form application programming languages that isn't dependent on Java SE since some people don't really have Java installed on their system.
  4. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

  5. BILLY500436

    BILLY500436 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  6. ScarlettFox36

    ScarlettFox36 Void-Bound Voyager

    Not sure if this is still being updated, but it doesn't work anymore :(
    さわまやゑぺ and Shadox2.0 like this.
  7. さわまやゑぺ

    さわまやゑぺ Industrial Terraformer

    same, dont work for me too, even after changing SB folder to my nonsteam folder :notworthy:

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