Easter Egg?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aethereal, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. Aethereal

    Aethereal Orbital Explorer

    I'm not sure if anybody already knew or found this but I thought I should share it just in case.
    At the title screen, if you click on the leaves, loose leaves/blossoms will fall out and after a couple of clicks, junimos will also appear.

    • Akanaro

      Akanaro Great Scott!

      Yeah, I've known about this one for a while now. Also if you click on the first E a few times an alien pops out. ;)
      • Borodin

        Borodin Oxygen Tank

        Was discussed a few weeks back, if I recall correctly. Not that many people noticed it--just one or two. You're in a very select group. :D
        • OPneonFTW

          OPneonFTW Space Hobo

          Just found this one, got bored and after finding the alien i was like "must be more here" so i just went crazy on the title screen and found it

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