RP Dungeons and penguins

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Jake9039, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    (I'm going to say it's one that got attacked previously)
    You cut the damaged penguin in half, resorting in a dead penguin. There is only 3 of them left.(also the penguins yell"but we want yo loot and stuff" back at you)
    P1:17dmg, dead
    Ethan mwg, your turn.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  2. BlazingPaladin

    BlazingPaladin Void-Bound Voyager

    I go in for a sneak attack with the crossbow that the guards had, joining the fight.
  3. Redacted Revenant

    Redacted Revenant Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I cast firebolt again in an attenpt to finish off penguin 1.
    Attack roll:24
    Damage roll:7
    (I'm getting all of the sevens apperantly.)
  4. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    When you pick up the crossbow, you realise it was specially made for flippers, and won't work with ordinary hands at all.
    It hits,(p1 is dead, so I'll assume you mean p2)
    You hit it, and it appears to be struggling for it's life.
    I choose you, purple dragon!
  5. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    I roll a seventeen on my death save throw.
  6. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    (I forgot, please roll a d4,and you don't need to make saves, you just have 1 health left)

    The penguins attack the mushroom lord., dealing 10dmg

    P1:dead 17dmg
    P2: 13dmg
    Next is Ethan mwg
  7. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    (Yep, okay.)
    I rolled a three.
    Kerime take the disengage action and move away from the penguins, behind Phann.
  8. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    No, you are just unconsious for 3 hours, not dying, just unconsious. Since your health decreased by over half you go unconsious for 1d4 hours. Your d4read 3 so you are going to be asleep for a while.
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  9. Redacted Revenant

    Redacted Revenant Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I once again cast firebolt on penguin 2.
    Attack roll:11
    Damage roll:4 fire damage
  10. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    penguin 2 explodes
    it hits, time for penguins.
    the two look at each other, and slide towards and past ethan mwg,,slicing with their dual finblades, with 13,24,8,and22 to hit, and if hitting, dealing 12,10,8,and 6 respectively
    mushroomlords turn
  11. themushroomlord

    themushroomlord Pangalactic Porcupine

    Phann is going to attack the nearest penguin (14 + 4 = 18 to hit. Dealing 8 + 2 = 10 slashing and 4 fire damage on a hit).

    I'd also like Phann to shout at their faces, "If you surrender now we won't kill you and stuff"
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  12. BlazingPaladin

    BlazingPaladin Void-Bound Voyager

    I am going to sneak over to the piles of loot, and simply steal them.
  13. Redacted Revenant

    Redacted Revenant Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The second and fourth attacks hit. Sangria is knocked unconscious.
    I also rolled a 3 so I might not be much use for a while.
  14. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    the penguins go"hey, htat's my line!" before you cut penguin 3 in half.
    the penguins start running away, so either of you two can make an attack of opportunity.
    your hand phases through them, but it ends up that there ius a chest under one of the piles, and metal blocks under the other.
  15. BlazingPaladin

    BlazingPaladin Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll open the chest.
  16. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    As you open the chest, you notice it contained 30gp, 2gems worth 50gp each, and 2 shortswords
  17. themushroomlord

    themushroomlord Pangalactic Porcupine

    Phann will take the attack of opertunity.
    (Rolled an 18 + 4 = 21 to hit on the attack of opertunity, dealing 8 + 2 = 10 slashing and 2 fire damage.)
    "God damn it! I was offering you survival!"

    If it survives Phann won't bother giving chase instead she's going to go see if she can help Kerime in anyway.
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  18. BlazingPaladin

    BlazingPaladin Void-Bound Voyager

    I take everything in the chest and don't tell anyone about the money and gems, but I will ask if anyone needs a shortsword.
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  19. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    You hit, and the penguin is hit hard, and almost dead, as it limps off. It seems that kerime could use some healing as they are bleeding from approximately 2 more holes then they should have(huge gashes across the legs) the best thing for them would be to allow them to rest for a few hours. Sangria might need more help though(if you want to help, roll a medicine check)
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  20. BlazingPaladin

    BlazingPaladin Void-Bound Voyager

    I will also emerge from the shadows and say hello.
    The Purple Dragon likes this.

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