"If we leave without telling him where we're going, the little birds will interrogate him for information he doesn't have. This will give us more time to escape." My character then attempts to punch Veros unconcious. I rolled an 18 on attack and 4 on damage, both with plus 3.
It would be assumed, wouldn't it? Who wouldn't grab their things? Besides, I'm not relying on another player to do something I wouldn't let anyone do to me.
You hit Veros. He isn't down. He looks at you. "Little person, know that if I am left, I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth. Bhaal, lord of treachery, will find you wherever you hide, and all who would help you will betray you in kind. I will help the little birds kill all of you, I will help them hunt you all down, and I will relish your pain."
"You say that like it means something. I've heard threats from people scarier then you." I hit him again, rolling a 19 for attack and 3 for damage. Due to the earlier fire damage and standard math, I should assume he is now down, yes? Also, please don't double post.
I didn't mean to do that. Im actually still up. Veros looks at you and grins. "One does not need to be scary or intimidating. One only needs to be sincere." And he lashes out with a slash. I got a crit, which totals a 26 to hit, and my damage is 15, 2d6+1d4+4 Looking at you he keeps grinning, saying: "Bhaal does mean something, a god should never be scorned, little person, especially one who dabbles in mortal affairs often. And me, well, I am nothing compared to my lord, but I am still something compared to an insignificant fly like yourself. I am one of Bhaals chosen, a Bhaalspawn if you will." Had you dealt 1 more point of damage, he would have been down, but I rolled for my stats. FYI this character has a minor god-complex.
I thought you didn't have your weapons. Also you seem to get insainly high rolls... not that I dont trust you... actually I don't. Both our crimson rites went out when we took the micro rest, and no one handed weapon does 2d6 damage, so I'm kinda confused about what sort of attack you just used there... Either way Pham is going to attack you with her glaive. (17 + 3 to hit, 9 + 3 slashing damage + 1 fire damage). You said you had 1 hitpoint? That means death, unless this fight is retconed, either way I don't particularly care. EDIT: How could you have 26 to hit, mathematically the highest stat you can roll is a 16, so if you had 16 Dex would only get a + 3 modifier add + 2 proficiency modifier, and you have a grand total of + 5 to hit. Meaning even if you roll a 20 (an auto hit anyway) the most you could get is a 25.
There is no point in fudging rolls. I give the 1 roll I made. When you crit, which I did, you deal double damage, so i guess there would have been an extra 1d4. By the way, do you understand death/unconciousness? Check the rulebook. You need to deal double their max hit points to autokill a player. You actually can't deal 30 points of damage. Also, what alignment is you character?
C/G, I saw you attack someone unarmed, and I know you aren't actually dead. (Also it is mathematically possible for me to deal 30 points of damage if I Crit)... more importantly do you have a dex of greater than 17?
You also saw him attack me with no provcation, saying that they were going to leave me here for the penguins that I designed. You are right, you deal 30 damage, but that is statistially improbable. While they may be unarmed, they were capable of dealing plenty of damage to me. By the way, I rolled for my stats. I have the most immense luck, excepting when it matters. I have 18 dex
I don't really put much faith into luck, I believe in statistics and the fact that all your rolls so far as I care to look are 15 or higher and you have rolled 3 Crits is incredibly hard to believe. I'm going to stop arguing now, at least until @Jake9039 returns, because I would rather this thread not become further clogged with arguments... on that note I think it would be for the better if in the future we keep comments, disagreements, and similar to the OOC thread.
Okay, so you guys are doing inter-character combat starting from the first strike, so this gets complex. Since you guys started combat without initiative rolls, it will go in the order it has, with the current moves being valid, and ending with the currently almost dead blazing paladin. I would like @BlazingPaladin to confirm he is still in here. A few things to note. Dieselriley, is unarmed and unarmored(since he doesn't want me assuming his actions, so I won't assume he got his armor) and stuck in the wall. the current actions that went through are: the purple dragon attacked dieselriley twice, dieselriley tried to melee attack purpledragon, and hits him for 3 damage. on the question of if any of this is legal(due to you need reason to attack another player) it is legal because the purple dragon wants to buy you guys some time to escape. so 7 damage to dieselriley, 3 damage on thepurpledragon. order of combat goes purpledragon, dieselriley, mushroomlord blazing paladin.
Once, I rolled 7 1s on a d20 in as many rounds of combat. All of the 1s were my first role, and as the dm, I chose to have the attacker fall over prone, every single round, for seven rounds. Personally, I do put no faith in luck, I prefer logic and statistical chance, but I seem to break RNGs and simple statistics. I do think we should move the constant arguments to the OOC thread as well. How many rolls have I made? Very few. The fact of the matter is that you have to take my word for it, and it may seem I'm not exactly trustworthy, which I may add is quite far from the truth, but I'm not letting the dm roll for me. Also, does your character still attack mine, going against their alignment?
Yes, keep all arguments in the ooc please . Also, i am sceptical. Next absurd roll will be treated with extreme justice. It is mushroomlord turn
"Hmm, this fight seems a bit one sided...", I would like to move 10 feet away from Veros and aiming for his stuck arm just bellow the shoulder bring my glaive down, pretty sure I activated my crimson rite eirlier when I was waving the glaive in his face, but otherwise I'll activate that first. (Rolled a 13 + 4 = 17 to hit, dealing 8 + 2 = 10 points of slashing damage and 4 points of fire damage.
Justice? You mean prejudice. Absurd role? What is absurd about a nat 20? So, if I roll another good role, I am going to be punished for it? What kind of system is this? Statistically, and with my stats, I have a 1 in 3 chance of rolling a "bad role," so although probability does favor me, it is also weighed against me because you all disbelieve my rolls. This attempt at perpetrating honesty would do the opposite. Most people would state that they had gotten a worse role then they actually did, just to alleviate your suspicions.
I'm just saying that you have not rolled a below 10 at all this campaign, and all rolls are open to disbelief. Also, your arm is off and you are free, but you are unconsious(0 health) and if they take a short break, you will wake up, otherwise they may leave you or take you.
I would like to cauterise his wound with my glaive. (Assuming this is a medicine check got an 8 + 1). Whether or not that worked I would like to tie his remaining arm back up as well as tie his legs together.
Veros disappears. I am going to quite this sh*tshow (and I mean this in the least offensive way possible), as my constant attempts at starting an argument will only prolong the already prolonged experience. This campaign will stretch on until someone here finally realizes that this isn't actually what dnd is like, and inevitably, decides that it is favorable to this. So far, we have covered what happens in about five to ten minutes of an actual campaign in, what like three weeks. This is extremely slow paced, has none of the fun elements of dnd (e.i. roleplaying, inter character banter, conversations, planning). I think the dms world will be quite enjoyable to all of you once you get there, next year irl.
FYI the crimson rite could not actually be used for cauterization, it isn't hot enough. That specific crimson rite covers your blade in flame, rather than actually heating the metal up.
Eh, I have and am currently involved in pen and paper D&D and while some aspects of that do tend to flow better, this isn't by any means bad, my only gripe as of now has been the insesant arguments. PS. You do realise that covering things in fire tends to cause things to heat up, as people have in the past performed cauteriseations with blades heated over wood fires, I can't see why a magical fire wouldn't be able to.