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Outdated Dungeoneer Dungeons 0.7.6 - Enraged Pak File.

Adds new custom dungeons and micro-dungeons to the game.

  1. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    You do realize that wastelands planet mod is not compatible with Variety is the spice of the universe right?

    besides that little fact... maybe a compatibility patch to allow for the dungeons to spawn on the worlds assuming of course they actually spawn on them and thus we don't need a patch at all.
  2. Reeddick

    Reeddick Void-Bound Voyager

    I've found the volcano and avian farm on Mountainous and Boreal biomes before. Pretty sure the VitsotU page says its fully compatible.
  3. MestreCorrida

    MestreCorrida Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It already works with VitsotU, probably works with wasteland.
  4. Zakail

    Zakail Phantasmal Quasar

    People on my server and Myself have been having issues with planets never loading after we installed this mod. It's inconsistent but fairly frequent with Magma and Volcanic worlds. The game will just stay stuck with your ship traveling in FTL and it will never arrive at the planet. The only way to fix this is to quit and re-enter the game. Even warping to another player's ship simply leaves your ship still in warp when you get back to it.
  5. MestreCorrida

    MestreCorrida Subatomic Cosmonaut

    My mod doesn't change any files in the game but the planetgen.config and even that it only changes one line that is the dungeonwhitelist. I see no reason for it to be causing that bug sort of bug. Maybe it's conflicting with another mod..

    Also, some time ago people were having a similar bug with the vanilla game.
  6. ahappydude

    ahappydude Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ypp they work perfectly, as with severed colonies mod :)
  7. MestreCorrida

    MestreCorrida Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Nope, it's completely random. You may still find old dungeons instead of new ones. Just keep looking until you find one.
  8. Zakail

    Zakail Phantasmal Quasar

    I just found one of the space elevators today on a level one planet! It was literally the first planet I flew to after the starting one on a new character. Pretty awesome stuff! Pity I got two energy dash blueprints at the top, when I already had it X3
  9. FatsackTony

    FatsackTony Phantasmal Quasar

    ahappydude, what is severed colonies mod, it sounds good? Do you mean severedskulls colonies mod, or is it a seperate mod
  10. ahappydude

    ahappydude Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yupp i meant severedskulls mod :)
  11. mizukaru

    mizukaru Phantasmal Quasar

    are finding these dungeons / rare or specific sectors? I still havent found one yet. been flying around level 9-10 planets
  12. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    you just got bad luck, dungeons are randomly generated so eventually you should find some.
  13. xKolekk

    xKolekk Aquatic Astronaut

    Question, can you play this on a multiplayer server? My friends and I play on our own server and I'm the only one has downloaded it so far, but I can;t find any of your dungeons. If EVERYONE (only like 6 of us) downloads it for the server can we play it than? Or is this just a single player type of thing? Thanks! Can't wait to get this going, sounds AWESOME.
  14. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    any mods in order to be played on a server require the server and players to have it installed.
  15. MestreCorrida

    MestreCorrida Subatomic Cosmonaut

    MestreCorrida updated Dungeoneer Dungeons with a new update entry:

    Micro madness.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. MestreCorrida

    MestreCorrida Subatomic Cosmonaut

    MestreCorrida updated Dungeoneer Dungeons with a new update entry:

    Micro madness.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. NordKitten

    NordKitten Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you said you don't like the designs of the floran blocks Witch makes seance considering how difficult they are to work with , but i have an idea, what about an overtaken apex lab, because there is a lot of apex out there, and one reason i like the floran is that they feast on those who come to there planet, hotwire the ships, and invade other planets (whitch is interesting to me) so a easier way to make floran areas, is to use the floran blocks as accents to make a dilapidated apex housing area or lab, fill it with bone piles, skulls on poles and bone furniture, and theirs at least two new floran dungeons, and it makes seance that they have taken over a few planets that had previously been inhabited.
  18. DarkPursuer

    DarkPursuer Void-Bound Voyager

    A few extra ideas:

    -Hylotl shrine
    -Hylotl dojo, with a bunch of people in karate outfits (or hostile NINJAS!)
    -Campsites with actual people
    -Floran Hunting party/ caravan with wagons and merchants

    I'll comment later if i had more ideas =D
  19. NordKitten

    NordKitten Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    rise of the hylotl has both the shrine and dojo implemented
  20. DarkPursuer

    DarkPursuer Void-Bound Voyager

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