Drier Farms v2.1.1 (discontinued)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by AngryCat, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. AngryCat

    AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wonderful, thank you! I was rather guessing on the position where it belonged when I did the fix, so I kept fretting that I might be one square off
    • xcreg1313x

      xcreg1313x Void-Bound Voyager

      AngryCat likes this.
    • Kitana Coldfire

      Kitana Coldfire Void-Bound Voyager

      Just started a new game using the Shawvalley Hilltop and stumbled across an invisible barrier section. I've tilled the area around the section to highlight the location (Also, the entire strip below the tool hit location along the backside of the cliff edge is also barred off, but I don't know if you can fix that one). If I find any other invisible spots, I'll let you know ^^

      • AngryCat

        AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Known bug with no identifiable cause/fix, sadly. This area:

        (Building layer)
        Where the green for the ledge is, of course, unable to be tilled/etc. But there's nothing on any of the layers to explain the issue above them;

        (Back layer)

        (Paths layer)

        (Front layer)

        (Always front layer)

        -Faded out ones like the entire last picture, means that layer doesn't have anything in that area.

        So as far as I can tell, there's no reason that area shouldn't work; directly behind the fencing, no, because the cliff-edge is technically there, but the next row should be fine.
        It's been bugging me a while, there's a few maps that have little things like that I haven't been able to explain nor fix.

          Attached Files:

        • AngryCat

          AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Though if someone sees something in there that I don't, please do point me to it and I'll see if I can't try to fix this issue!
          • Kitana Coldfire

            Kitana Coldfire Void-Bound Voyager

            I actually broke down and did some tIDE work on the map myself for personal use and, uh, well, I fixed it. ^^;


            Not a full picture (cropped some off the side in the screenshot, sorry), but here's a list of changes I made:

            - fixed the ledge layering to the best of my abilities
            - fixed the weird section I mentioned
            - fixed the bottom of the adjusted river
            - fixed/adjusted the missing cliff shadows
            - fixed/adjusted the spouse area
            - adjusted one of the bridge locations
            - resized the stairs next to the house (because the width was driving me NUTS when gating)
            - removed some of the green around the house
            - added pet bowl back in
            - removed the weird grass area next to the greenhouse

            I fixed the invisible area by deleting everything in that area layer-by-layer before rebuilding it by hand. Don't know what was causing it, but it seems to be gone now.
              Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
              AngryCat likes this.
            • AngryCat

              AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              Drier Farms - Fishing Fix
              -Attempted to correct issues with floating lilypads and invisible barriers. Uncertain if you still become Jesus in the bottom corner, could not find source of issue.
              • Vherkin

                Vherkin Void-Bound Voyager

                These map are awesome. I wanted to play forest, but all the pond made it look like a swamp.

                Just one problem. In the general forest where everything is retain except the huge pond. There is no bush where the berry spawn on the left side.

                I've tested other and it seems that it is unique to that map.

                Thanks you, you are awesome :)
                • kingjoshington

                  kingjoshington Void-Bound Voyager

                  *edit* I checked again and this wasn't the case for me. Ignore what I say. */edit*
                  I can second that ... I just downloaded it and was happy with the extra space from removing the pond, but there are no bushes to collect berries.
                  Also, and I can't be sure, but I didn't any of the "mixed seeds" that are supposed to drop from weeds specific to the foraging map. In the unmodded map, I easily got 10 seeds just weed whacking ... I cleaned the whole map of weeds with your map and got none. Maybe I'm just unlucky?
                    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
                  • AngryCat

                    AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Hmm, I'll have to look into it; I have no idea why bushes wouldn't be spawning, as I don't *think* I changed anything that should have affected that.
                    As for the mixed seeds, that does sound like a case of unlucky, I'm afraid :(
                    • kingjoshington

                      kingjoshington Void-Bound Voyager

                      Ah, my mistake. I checked again and the bushes are there. They just blend in so well with the trees. Sorry about that!
                      • AngryCat

                        AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        No problem! Glad it's all good, I've been a bit overly busy with holiday malarky and was worried about trying to fit in a fix
                        • kingjoshington

                          kingjoshington Void-Bound Voyager

                          One more quick question ... does "grass" grow over the light and dark grass on the map? So far, grass only seems to spread in the dirt. I even planted a couple of grass tuffs on the grassy patch in the middle up near the house and it doesn't spread.
                          I had been counting on fencing that area in and housing my animals there ...
                          • tinywolves

                            tinywolves Seal Broken

                            Thank you, I love the forest with the ornate lake, just mild changes are my style. Would love to see these eventually combined with the extended maps you made.
                              Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
                              AngryCat likes this.
                            • AngryCat

                              AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              I'm entirely uncertain. I don't know any reason it shouldn't grow, but I also didn't test it to that extent t know for sure
                              • ChaoticReverie

                                ChaoticReverie Void-Bound Voyager

                                Thank you for the maps, these are awesome. Just started playing the ornate forest one and I noticed right off that there are some bushes I can't get rid off. Could I request the removal of these bushes all over the map that aren't in plantable areas for crops and trees?

                                Edit: I'm sorry, this is my first time playing the new maps and didn't realize until I did more research that they can in fact be removed by an upgraded axe.

                                  Attached Files:

                                  Last edited: Dec 27, 2016
                                • tinywolves

                                  tinywolves Seal Broken

                                  Oh I have a request, I don't know a thing about the map editing but what I would personally love to see is green versions of these maps, aka yellow dirt = green short grass.

                                  I am currently using the forest map, greener ornate pond.

                                  Eventually I would like to see that combined with your extended but I am also happily using the one you've done now, it's lovely :D
                                  • kingjoshington

                                    kingjoshington Void-Bound Voyager

                                    I read in some other threads on other platforms that grass does not spread over the darker grass areas (in any map). Also, I planted some grass and after 10 days it had not spread at all.
                                    I don't think it's specific to your map in any case.
                                      AngryCat likes this.
                                    • AngryCat

                                      AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      At this point, I'm so overwhelmed with life, that it's unlikely I'm going to be able to return anytime soon, if at all.
                                      I give an open invitation that anyone who would like to use, edit, or otherwise utilize my mods is welcome to do so - consider them open source.

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