Modding Help Do's and Don'ts of reporting issues with SMAPI mods

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Entoarox, Oct 5, 2016.

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  1. Entoarox

    Entoarox Oxygen Tank

    • Include a link to the of your log. (Visit the site for instructions)
    • Be descriptive about what caused the issue to happen if it only happens after you perform a action.
    • Make sure you have the correct SMAPI and mod version for your version of Stardew Valley.
    • Look at recent posts in a mods topic, your issue might already have been given a answer.
    • Post a message about "the mod crashes, doesn't work" etc without giving the information needed to let us solve the problem.
    • Say you have the same problem as someone simply because your error looks similar, post your own bug report and let the author decide if it is the same problem.
    Follow these basic do's and don'ts and you will see problems getting solved much quicker!
      Last edited: Nov 11, 2018
    • Crystalmir

      Crystalmir Subatomic Cosmonaut

      For modders ;)


      - Inform peoples of wheter you intend to upgrade your mod. With your approval at least someone could take over your mod.
      - Let users know of possible workaround so they don't lose their savegames because they use your mod.
      -> You may have moved to other games, but if we have your approval someone else can maintain your mods. Also users have
      spent hundreds of hours in their savegame and it sucks to lose that progress.

      Sometimes when you are the modder, it takes 5 minutes of your time to find a workaround that saves hundreds of hours
      to others because YOU made the mod and know how it works. Finally, the unknown is what make users worried. ie: Not
      knowing wheter your mod will be updated or not. It's perfectly fine to say you won't update it and giving it to someone else -> At least we know ;)
        blouwho?, ekffie and Ladysarajane like this.
      • Ladysarajane

        Ladysarajane Existential Complex

        This should be stickied! I agree whole heartedly with these.
        • MediocreJim

          MediocreJim Void-Bound Voyager

          Another tip: Modders who have moved on to new games / aren't paying attention to Stardew might not realize 1.1 has gone live; Look to see if they've posted a website / twitter handle / email address / etc. where you can post queries before you give up / distress! I reached out to a modder on Twitter yesterday asking if they had any intentions to patch their mod and they released the patched version 2 hours later and even thanked me for letting them know!
          • KanzenSilver

            KanzenSilver Void-Bound Voyager

            Sooooo I downloaded and unzipped everything, Started up the game. Hit I and it crashed. uploaded the error log I hope, it wouldn't let me put the whole error log up but it's only the one and it's from today. would love any help I can get! (yes I downloaded your new patched version. I'm running on the beta) and I downloaded Smapi less than a week ago

              Attached Files:

            • Entoarox

              Entoarox Oxygen Tank

              Update SMAPI, you are using a old version with known issues.
              • KanzenSilver

                KanzenSilver Void-Bound Voyager

                So I went to smapi and redownloaded it, and reextracted it into the same spot. Same issue as before. According to my downloads I redownloaded the same version I had before, is there another place to go ? that I may be going to the wrong area. Here' log again but the way the error occurred it was the same as last time. attached error log again just incase it's something new this time

                  Attached Files:

                • Entoarox

                  Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                  Update the item spawner, as this is not a version that reports that it has been patched by me it is likely outdated.
                  • KanzenSilver

                    KanzenSilver Void-Bound Voyager

                    SO I updated everything, and reextracted EVERYTHING...... AND NOW IT WORKS! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH So excited lol ty!
                    • Sky303

                      Sky303 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      I'd love to see a stickied thread with known bugs and un-updated mods, one that is separate from user error.
                      • Ladysarajane

                        Ladysarajane Existential Complex

                        I would like to see mods with version numbers in them. Entoarox has started adding it into his patched versions. It makes it easier for people to help other people determine if the mod they are using is updated for the Stardew Version they are running.
                        • Entoarox

                          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                          The patched mods simply show that I patched them, they do not show what patch they are, might be a thing to add if needed in the future :p
                          But yeah, starting with 1.2 of EntoFramework, all my mods that use that (And it itself) will have build-in version-checking, although only ALL shows it in-game :p
                          • Ladysarajane

                            Ladysarajane Existential Complex

                            Just know that you patched it was a big help to see if they were running a compatible version :) Some people swear they have the updated mod....but then they have an older version loading up. I think this is more of a problem since 1.1 came out. I really appreciate all your hard work!!! Thank you!
                            • Bobnini

                              Bobnini Space Hobo


                              The game without the SMAPI works fine, but when i open with the SMAPI everything seems fine until i load the character, the game goes black screen but keeps working in the background, i can move and do anything but i cant see anything, and the CMD start spamming this error...

                                Attached Files:

                              • Entoarox

                                Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                You are using a old version of the sprinkler mod, use the latest patched version attached to the first post of this topic.
                                • Chaos_Incarnate91

                                  Chaos_Incarnate91 Orbital Explorer

                                  I updated my ALL file today but when I have the game going and click on the save I want to play it crashes about three seconds into the loading screen. (Thanks Entoarox for pointing out where the error logs are, haven't been playing modded SDV for long.)

                                    Attached Files:

                                  • Entoarox

                                    Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                    Oh great, the content redirection broke again >_< Why does this keep happening.... :(

                                    Edit: 1.2.1 released to fix the issue
                                      Last edited: Oct 19, 2016
                                    • Chaos_Incarnate91

                                      Chaos_Incarnate91 Orbital Explorer

                                      Got the updated file and now the game loads, thanks for the quick fix man!
                                      • Avanhellica

                                        Avanhellica Space Hobo

                                        Hia there. So I'm trying to get CBJ's Item Spawner to work. Each time I open my game through the correct SDV starter, I press i, and the game simply closes. That's it. So I'm not quite sure what is wrong.

                                        I have updated Smapi to for SDV 1.1 as linked in

                                        I have also used your updated version of CBJ's Item Spawner. I also believe I have the latest version of SDV.

                                        Thanks in advanced for the help!

                                          Attached Files:

                                        • Ladysarajane

                                          Ladysarajane Existential Complex

                                          Thank you for your log. I believe you might have the mod in two different mod folders duplicating them. It is coming up twice in your log. Check both the /steam/steamapps/common/stardewvalley/mods" and the ' %appdata%/roaming/stardewvalley/mods' folder.
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