RELEASED Dog Replacement Nanaki (Red XIII from Final Fantasy 7)

Discussion in 'Pets/Horses' started by Alaswing, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. Alaswing

    Alaswing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi guys, first of all sorry about my bad english and i have to tell you that i am not very good at this i am not a designer not a moder, but i wanted to share this texture is not fully made by me, i took some sprites from internet and some others i built them on the go, it is Nanaki or Red XIII from Final Fantasy 7, one of my favorites RPG, i hope you enjoy it.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]




    1- You'll be replacing the file dog.xnb in the folder:
    \Stardew Valley\Content\Animals\
    you can back up the file by just renaming it dog.xnb_OLD

    2- Just drop the downloaded dog.xnb file into:
    \Stardew Valley\Content\Animals\
    (if the old dog.xnb is still there, just overwrite / replace it)

    3- You need to replace the file Cursors.xnb too in the folder:
    \Stardew Valley\Content\LooseSprites\
    for the portrait following the same steps 1 and 2


    Edited 17/03/2016

    1. Added cursors.xnb (Nanaki Portrait in menĂº)
    Edited 11/03/2016
    1. fixed weird line appearing on top of nanaki
    2. Added a fire efect when the dog moves tail when sit.
    Edited 22/04/2017
    1. repaired broken links
      Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
    • cantorsdust

      cantorsdust Existential Complex

      Added to modding list!
        Alaswing likes this.
      • Alaswing

        Alaswing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Thank you cantorsdust!
        • Randonx

          Randonx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Alaswing, I've been using your mod since you created it, it's awesome. I have something weird going on though. Now, after a few days of using it, all of a sudden my Nanaki has a black horizontal line above it, as long as his body. It's always in the same spot in relation to the dog, which is why I know it has something to do with him. Any ideas?
            Alaswing likes this.
          • Alaswing

            Alaswing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            hey Randonx sorry for the late answer, let me check it and update it :)
            • Alaswing

              Alaswing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              It should be fixed, can you check it out man?, thanks!.
              • Randonx

                Randonx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Works like a charm. Thanks Alaswing.
                  Alaswing likes this.
                • pacmanjr2

                  pacmanjr2 Orbital Explorer

                  Can you also update to change the dog's head in pause menu? that would be great I think
                  Thanks for the Nanaki by the way, it's awesome :D
                    Alaswing likes this.
                  • Alaswing

                    Alaswing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Done thanks for the tip.
                    • Randonx

                      Randonx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Alaswing, is there an easy way to merge two .xnb files? I already use a Cursors.xnb file for another mod, but I would like to use the change you made for the portrait. Any ideas?
                      • Alaswing

                        Alaswing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Hey Randonx, i'm sorry but theres no way of merging the files, the only thing that it could be done is that the mod dev of cursors.xnb that you own would include the image of my nanaki or vice versa, the problem with that is that not everyone uses the same mods, so there would be then like 1000 cursos.XNB at the end. i'm really sorry for this.
                        • Randonx

                          Randonx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Yeah, I figured that might be the case. Thanks for responding :)
                          • TheLolingPain

                            TheLolingPain Aquatic Astronaut

                            Come to think of it... I just named my dog Nanaki before the making of this mod xD
                              Alaswing likes this.
                            • Alaswing

                              Alaswing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              i did that too! :D
                                TheLolingPain likes this.
                              • Imagine Apples

                                Imagine Apples Lucky Number 13

                                Not sure if the author still uses this site as the post was from a year ago but the link is broken and I REALLY want this mod, haha. Thought I'd comment and see if you could help.
                                  Alaswing likes this.
                                • Alaswing

                                  Alaswing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  im sorry ill update it as soon as i can!

                                  EDIT: UPDATED NOW!
                                    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
                                  • jimmyveez

                                    jimmyveez Space Hobo

                                    sorry for necroing this post but is there a working link or even a png file for this anywhere?

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