Do the villagers have last names?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MagicallyClueless, May 12, 2016.

  1. MagicallyClueless

    MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

    and I looked up Evelyn... in her description, it says her full name is "Evelyn Mullner".

    Are there other last names of villagers confirmed? Like seriously, I would love to know about this for character reasons. I remember reading one fanfic that had a last name, and I was like, what??? Is that made up or is it REALS

    (if there aren't more last names, let us beg the SDV overlord of more exposition on that front)
      EltonScone, Gabaw and Pudassassin like this.
    • mrobake

      mrobake Zero Gravity Genie

      Well, this is intriguing. Now that you mention it, i want to know Penny's family name as well.

      Btw, i suspect Linus's fullname is Linus MacWindow :pfff:
        rmd64, squidspeaker, Gabaw and 2 others like this.
      • Pudassassin

        Pudassassin Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

        I wondered the same thing...[​IMG] Even Sam ask me not to tell his full name to anyone.
          Last edited: May 21, 2016
        • Borodin

          Borodin Oxygen Tank

          It is a curious point, now that you mention it. I'm not sure why last names aren't mentioned, except that maybe ConcernedApe thought we'd have trouble enough keeping all the personalities separate (at least, at first) with first names, to bother with family ones.

          I suppose I'm most curious about the Wizard's, though I suspect he's deliberately kept it hidden in order to appear mysterious.
          • MagicallyClueless

            MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

            What I wanna know is how we have a last name for Evelyn and George but no last names for other townspeople.

            I would honestly love to get last names for the others. There'd be so many last names too since some families seem to be a bit messy, haha. Marnie/Shane/Jas probably have different last names each, Sebastian's last name is probably different from the other 3 members of his family, etc.

            edit: Alex's name is apparently the same too but I'm not sure if I'm trusting this wiki or not, unless last names were on a mother's name basis rather than father's. Evelyn is Alex's grandmother on his mom's side which is to say Alex would have his father's last name rather than his mother's maiden name (assuming he did not have his name changed)

            edit edit: or Alex's mother never married? oooooooooo
              Last edited: May 12, 2016
            • mrobake

              mrobake Zero Gravity Genie

              Imo, since we know Alex has abusive father, i'd think he prefer to take his mother's name. So... Alex Mullner. It's a nice name.
                Gabaw and Pudassassin like this.
              • MagicallyClueless

                MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                Yeah, I was thinking about that and I honestly wouldn't blame him. I like the way Alex Mullner sounds too!

                noW WHERE ARE THE OTHER LAST NAMES *shakes the game mercilessly*
                  Gabaw and lilly_ampleton like this.
                • Borodin

                  Borodin Oxygen Tank

                  Where are they? Probably in 1.1. I look forward to finding out.
                    MagicallyClueless likes this.
                  • Megzzzx

                    Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                    I want to know too. I'm a married woman now and I have no clue what my last name is!
                      EltonScone, Gabaw and lilly_ampleton like this.
                    • lilly_ampleton

                      lilly_ampleton Void-Bound Voyager

                      Oh now that you point that farmer doesn't have a last name either. She's married to Harvey. Well, since Harvey is such a sweetheart I like to think he took her last name which would make him Harvey Villard.
                        Megzzzx likes this.
                      • Landwalker

                        Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

                        I pondered about this a while back, and unfortunately, there are no known canonical surnames except for George and Evelyn.

                        So naturally I decided to just give them surnames myself, and as far as I'm concerned those are now the canonical ones. :p
                        • Megzzzx

                          Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                          What are they?
                          • Landwalker

                            Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

                            • EvilPoptart81

                              EvilPoptart81 Cosmic Narwhal

                              I think it'd be a nice touch to the world our farmers live in, if we do find out everyone's last names eventually. It's little things like that which makes a game feel a little more alive in a way, for such a fun laid back game like this.
                              • Megzzzx

                                Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                I really wish there was more clarity on the relationship between Marnie, Jas, and Shane.
                                  EltonScone likes this.
                                • Megzzzx

                                  Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Guess I should have married Sam to get the name married surname as I will in real life. HAHAHA
                                    lilly_ampleton likes this.
                                  • MagicallyClueless

                                    MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                                    I've never really tried to bother any devs of any games but I really wanna ask CA if he'll ever add last names (or already has last names) for the others. *stares at twitter account* :c
                                    • Megzzzx

                                      Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                      If you do ask him to clarify how Jas, Shane and Marnie are related as well. LOL
                                      • Gabaw

                                        Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

                                        @Landwalker that's actually a pretty good list, I like it! Though from a practical standpoint it's largely unnecessary and it's easier to just go by first names. There are some cultures that prioritize last or family names however so that could be a consideration.
                                        • MagicallyClueless

                                          MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                                          Of course it has no impact on the actual game, it's just neat information that I'd love to know for the sake of knowing. Megz brings up a good point about it allowing more clarity for Marnie/Shane/Jas as well, since that was (is?) a debate for a while.

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