Question Do Forums need more atention?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rockslinwood, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. Rockslinwood

    Rockslinwood Lucky Number 13

    I have been an social media person for long but in the last 1 or 2 years im become more active on forums.
    There was where i understood the problem of forums,they were a big word back then when social media werent a thing.
    Then later whe Facebook,Twitter and Youtube came forums lost attention more and more,the social media platforms destroyed the view on forums. Todays kids and young people like me often go more to social media instead to find themselves on a forum post or similiar to it,and i think on one side forums should get more attention to its small and nice comminuty then rather to go to Facebook or Twitter and get an overload of pointless information,but on the other side is that i ask myself would the same thing happen on forums like on facebook. So what do you think of it?

    I know my english is terrible and i didnt knew what theme i should go on so... :wtf::fusrodah:

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