Divorce? (Haley spoilers)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lavendire, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Lavendire

    Lavendire Void-Bound Voyager

    Sooo... Let's just say I regret marrying Haley (She barely helps out!). Is divorce even possible? I've been searching everywhere and the only thing I found was modding the save file and I have no idea how to do that properly.

    I'd really appreciate the help-- thank you!
    • Afterscore

      Afterscore Weight of the Sky

      Editing your save file is the only option right now. I haven't read on CA's twitter about this being an inclusion he would make although it's possible. Right now though, you're stuck with her for life unless you edit your save or start a new file and pick the correct waifu (abigail).
      • Lavendire

        Lavendire Void-Bound Voyager

        Well shoot-- do you know what values I should change? I don't want to explode my game file :/
        If anyone knows exactly how to mod the save file that would be awesome-- not just for me but for future Haley-regretters lmao
        • Afterscore

          Afterscore Weight of the Sky

          If you upload your save file here and let me take a tinker I might be able to make her re-think marrying you.
            Lavendire and Hail Kira like this.
          • Hail Kira

            Hail Kira Void-Bound Voyager

            Bahaha this conversation is funny }:->
              Lavendire likes this.
            • Afterscore

              Afterscore Weight of the Sky

              I had all my legal documents ready, prepared to serve Haley with divorce papers but maybe @Lavendire had a change of heart and let love win<3
                Iffydust and Lavendire like this.
              • Lavendire

                Lavendire Void-Bound Voyager

                aaaaaa thank you, you are so kind.

                lol! sorry had to re-figure out what I was doing

                Haley and I should have lived together first before getting married. :wut: let this be a lesson for everyone

                  Attached Files:

                • Afterscore

                  Afterscore Weight of the Sky

                  @Lavendire I need your SaveGameInfo file too.
                  • Lavendire

                    Lavendire Void-Bound Voyager

                    thank you buddy, just make sure I keep the horse in the divorce. I had ol' Buckwheat before she even came along!

                      Attached Files:

                    • Afterscore

                      Afterscore Weight of the Sky

                      Did you upload these directly as they were? I'm seeing them listed as XML and Text Documents when they should have no file type attachment.

                      Edit- To clarify, the game won't recognise them as save files because they have file type associations that the game doesn't read to load. I need them as they are in the save file.
                      • Lavendire

                        Lavendire Void-Bound Voyager

                        All I did was change the name to add an extension because it won't let me upload something without an extension here. It should revert back if you delete the .txt I added, I think?
                        • Afterscore

                          Afterscore Weight of the Sky

                          Put them in a zip file and then send the zip. @Lavendire
                          • Lavendire

                            Lavendire Void-Bound Voyager

                            Here ya go! Sorry for my newbieness

                              Attached Files:

                            • Afterscore

                              Afterscore Weight of the Sky

                              Thanks. Give me a few minutes to find the right parts of the code and modify it. Will @ you when I'm done and tested to make sure it works.
                              • Lavendire

                                Lavendire Void-Bound Voyager

                                A million thanks!

                                also excuse my messy farm I'm still renovating haahaaa
                                • Afterscore

                                  Afterscore Weight of the Sky

                                  Don't worry, all I did was sleep in the bed for like a fucking year to wait for it to rain to make sure I had edited the marriage lines properly to let you buy a new Pendant. Didn't have time to look at anything else.

                                  Double checked by trying to marry Abigail (since she was at 10) and it seems to be working fine.

                                    Attached Files:

                                  • Lavendire

                                    Lavendire Void-Bound Voyager

                                    You are my Stardew savior!! Seriously, Haley was bumming me out with her rudeness. Now to choose a new waifu.
                                    *Happy Days theme song here*
                                    • meatpardle

                                      meatpardle Star Wrangler

                                      So is Haley's unhelpfulness just due to the spouse function currently being a bit broken (disappearing, claiming they can't water crops or mend fences when there are plenty) or does each one actually have different levels of helpfulness programmed?
                                      • liquidsilk001

                                        liquidsilk001 Space Hobo

                                        Hey can you teach me how to do that I want divorce too.
                                        • Afterscore

                                          Afterscore Weight of the Sky

                                          It's kind of complicated, if you want to "divorce" I'd be happy to edit your save file.
                                            Iffydust likes this.

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