The image files for Emily were outdated. I've made updated portrait and character images, trying to mimic the original artist's style, but I haven't got any way to compress them into the .xnb format on my (Linux) PC so I'll leave them here in the hopes someone else can finish the job for me :/ Edit: It looks like these were already patched by @Acerbicon a few pages back.
I just wanted to compliment you on how beautiful these mods are! You did such a fantastic job of recreating the characters. I was only going to download a few, but then ended up loving them more than the originals, so now they are all in my game! And please ignore the haters who don't understand racism. You are awesome. I hope you feel better soon. I understand how taxing mental health issues can be.
I noticed another asset that needs changing: The bulletin board in the community centre features images of some of the characters, specifically Gus, Marnie, The Wizard, Demetrius, and Emily. The assets are under Content/LooseSprites/JunimoNote*.png. Understandably, as the characters are all in one sheet, it may be difficult to capture the characters' variations, but attached is a version with the default-mod versions of Emily and Demetrius (though, I still don't have a compression program so these are pngs :/ )
Hey all - I loved this mod when the game came out, and was sad to see Sikh Harvey got broken. Maybe someone already fixed it, but since the search feature kinda sucks I just went ahead and fixed it myself. Zip contained 2 xnbs - Harvey.xnb is just a normal fixed Sikh Harvey containing the new sprites. Harvey2.xnb is an edit I did that made his wedding Tux more purple, even though Sikhs don't have purple Tuxedos. I guess I am racist. If you wanna use that, rename it to Harvey.xnb and use it, otherwise just use the normal Harvey.xnb. Harvey.xnb image: Harvey2.xnb image:
Hi Y'all! This is (still) my favorite mod for SDV and has really enhanced me and my friends' enjoyment of the game. Mad appreciation to notsnufffie for their amazing work! To make things a little easier for folks installing it for the first time, I've repackaged the original files (non-albino Demetrius, and without the Greener Fall graphics changes), and the subsequent submitted fixes, including @Acerbicon's Emily.xnb and @blargsnarf's Harvey.xnb, and compressing @Zobean's Junimo .pngs to .xnbs Just extract the attached zip to your SDV folder, overwrite when prompted, and you're good to go! If I knew more about coding/had the tools, I'd make a SMAPI-compatible mod of this, but I think it's a little out of my skillset. I'll try and keep an eye out for the patch next year and update as necessary so folks can continue to enjoy. ~Haven
Well there is Portraiture that lets you have more than one port mod at a time, but it doesn't do anything for the character sprites. Though for both of them I might recommend either using ModDrop or the Xnb Loader to not have to overwrite any of your original files. I personally use a combo of Portraiture and Xnb Loader.
Don't forget the updated Maru_Hospital found in the Continuation Thread: Anyway, figured I'd post this here since I'm personally not a fan of the continuation (well, Shane's, I like Kent and Jas). Hopefully notsnuffie returns eventually. Or someone else picks up this and has a similar art style.
Was in a mood for a change in my Harvey and decided I wanted a non Sikh version. Thought others may enjoy as well. EDIT: Updated to Content Patcher.
Yay, !Ravi Harvey. (For people who don't get the reference: @Acerbicon Any chance you could make a "rounder" beard?
Thanks so much. He's perfect now. When I get the mood to use Diverse Stardew Valley in a playthrough again, he'll be my hubby.
Oh my gosh the existence of this mod makes me so happy and everyone is so beautiful! If you ever come off of hiatus I look forward to Shane, I haven't found one yet that I really like. As far as an AFAM trans man... I mean, I suppose I always assumed Elliot was? But more is better, yes good! (Relatedly: he was always gorgeous, but you have made him breathtaking!)
If you use SMAPI you can use Xnb Loader to install portraits and character sprites (and most other xnb mods) without messing with the games files. They install the same way, just inside its ModContent folder rather than the game's Content folder.
Not sure if this has been asked elsewhere, but can anyone confirm if Diverse Stardew is compatible with the multiplayer beta/update 1.3? Based on the content that got updated, I don't anticipate anything will break, but I preemptively uninstalled all my mods before hosting for friends (so I wouldn't risk scrambling our shared game) and after 120+ hours in-game with this beautiful mod, it's weird going back to vanilla (pun not intended). I'd love to hear if it's safe to reinstall! EDIT: Whoops, forgot about the continuation thread for a hot second there. In case any other old adopters come to this thread to check, a 1.3 compatibility zip has been posted over here!
This is a pretty weird request but could someone make Alex's jacket red/white (or literally anything else) instead of the vanilla green/yellow? x_x (also posting in the continuation)