WIP Diverse Stardew - Unofficial Continuation (UPDATED 1.5, 07/01/21)

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by SarahSyna, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. Heather36782

    Heather36782 Master Chief

    I’m gonna try! Thank you! Hopefully I can do it.
      tenthousandcats likes this.
    • .Lavender.

      .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

      Good luck, and don't be afraid to ask for help!
        Heather36782 and tenthousandcats like this.
      • Heather36782

        Heather36782 Master Chief

        I just don't understand. I feel so stupid. I want these new portraits and all this stuff. Elle's seasonal grass is now a CP also so I need to get this. Where do I install the Content Patcher? Mods? I tried to use this already and it said my mods weren't installed so that would be my portraits, etc, and I put them in the assets folder. I need specific instructions if someone would help me...Stardew is my relaxation because my life is pretty depressing right now...lots of dark stuff and I need my escape.
        • .Lavender.

          .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

          It's okay, I got you! I'm going to PM you and show you pictures, so I don't clog up the thread. :)
          • Fyn

            Fyn Pangalactic Porcupine

            I've updated the ContentPack to be 1.3 compatible.

              Attached Files:

              ladydoodlebug and .Lavender. like this.
            • SarahSyna

              SarahSyna Subatomic Cosmonaut

              Quick update, I'm still alive and better off than I've been in ages. Marnie will be uploaded sometime tomorrow or Thursday, and a Content Patcher version with her soon after once I have the hang of it.
                Alkanthe, Fyn and ladydoodlebug like this.
              • Fyn

                Fyn Pangalactic Porcupine

                I updated the Content Pack to allow you to change between the variants of Shane and Harvey by simply editing a config file.

                For Harvey, you can type "Sikh" "Non Sikh" and "Non Sikh Round". For Shane, there's "Scruff" and "Neat". It defaults to Sikh and Scruff. They obviously correspond to the Scruffy or Neat version of Shane, and the non-sikh/round beard version of Harvey that @Acerbicon made at: https://community.playstarbound.com...ey-hiatus-im-dead.109748/page-27#post-3248596

                Sarah, if you upload the content pack to Nexus, or want me to, I can update the Content Pack to have an Update Key so members will get notified by SMAPI when there's an update.

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                  Alkanthe, staarfruit and faeamie like this.
                • SarahSyna

                  SarahSyna Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  @Fyn I'm a wee bit wary of uploading it to the Nexus, to be honest. After all, it's not on the Nexus so NotSnuffie likely didn't want it there, and it's using someone else's work too. Thank you so much for the offer though, and the Content Pack. (I've been practicing making some pick'n'mix ones for my own game and I... struggle. :rofl:)

                  Edit: Marnie will be up on Friday. My house has been super busy recently and getting the time to finish the last couple bits is a wee bit elusive. Once I have her up, I'll be asking for requests again, and running an idea by you all!

                  Also, there's one particular set of sprites for Marnie (the one where she's cheering) that's not used much, I think it's used during the wedding scene? If anyone happens to have a save shortly before that point, I'd appreciate if they could pass it on for the sake of testing. No worries if not though, I'll find a way around it. ^^
                    Last edited: May 3, 2018
                    Alkanthe likes this.
                  • faeamie

                    faeamie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Thank you so much! <3
                      SarahSyna likes this.
                    • Fyn

                      Fyn Pangalactic Porcupine

                      Sorry for another update, but it's very minor. I added comments to the config file, which explains what you can type for all the options:

                      "Harvey": "sikh", //allows values: Sikh, Non Sikh, Non Sikh Round
                      "Shane": "scruff" //allows values: Scruff, Neat

                      And @SarahSyna, you can always do what most people do. Host it on Nexus with a note that if Notsnuffie wants it taken down, you will.

                      Hopefully this will be the last update of the content pack that I do, but if you don't want to figure out content packs, if you send me the new images in PM, I'm more than glad to add them to the content pack, and keep a nexus page up to date so people can get SMAPI messages saying there's updates when there are.

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                        faeamie, Alkanthe and SarahSyna like this.
                      • Alkanthe

                        Alkanthe Supernova

                        At the encouragement of the lovely @SarahSyna , here's an edit of diverse Caroline and Abigail to keep Caroline's green hair and Abigail's blue jacket! Made for the current build but I'm told it should still be 1.3 compatible.

                        I actually made this two years ago... fun trying to relearn the ropes.

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                          Medicell likes this.
                        • BuildingBridges

                          BuildingBridges Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          I was wondering if these Sam edits could be brought into the content pack ^^; I looked and I don't think they're in there yet?
                          This Sam and the Penny in this thread are my favourite portrait mods and it was honestly startling to play a beta file without them
                          apologies if any of this is worded awkwardly this is like my second post ever on the forums ;o;
                          • Fyn

                            Fyn Pangalactic Porcupine

                            This took way longer than I'm willing to admit, because for some reason, I kept getting error after error after adding in Sam to the json files. But I got it working.

                            It defaults to the regular Sam, but if you open the config.json in Notepad and change "Vanilla" to "FtM" it will alter the character/portrait sprite of Sam to the FtM one you linked to.

                            I have issue with making the FtM Sam the default one only because it's not made by NotSnuffie/SarahSyna, so it'll be easier to remove if the author of it asks for it to be removed, but leaving it as an option until (if) then is better.

                            This version also includes a README file in the folder that lists the options you have for Harvey, Shane, and Sam (and what to type in the config.json file to activate each one).

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                            • Ailsaek

                              Ailsaek Phantasmal Quasar

                              I love these, but i don't want to use all of them. Should I stick with the XNBs, or is there a way to pick and choose with the CP mod?
                                SarahSyna likes this.
                              • SarahSyna

                                SarahSyna Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                You can always delete the entries for the characters in the content.json ? For example, if you want to have vanilla Haley, you remove the section that looks like this:

                                          "Action": "Load",
                                          "Target": "Characters/Haley",
                                          "FromFile": "assets/Characters/Haley.png"
                                And the corresponding Portraits version. In Haley's case, you also want to remove the bit of code at the very end referring to the cow photos.
                                • .Lavender.

                                  .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  Or if you're using other mods, you could just replace the pngs with those.
                                  • SarahSyna

                                    SarahSyna Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                    And we have an update, thank the Lord! This time it's Marnie, thus completing the Ranch family. As well as adding Marnie, this update includes a minor fix for Shane's wedding sprite, and a small edit for Sebastian's sprite for his motorcycle scene because that's bugged me for actual years. There's also a Content Pack, largely in part due to the fantastic work of Fyn.

                                    After this, I'm not sure what to start on, but I have been bandying around the idea of seasonal edits and personalised wedding clothing in my head, and I'd love to know what ye think, or any suggestions folks have!
                                      MasterYoba, Alkanthe and zmbie like this.
                                    • Fyn

                                      Fyn Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      Nice catch on the Sebastian Sprite. I never even noticed it, lol.

                                      Also, I unintentionally set the default Sam to the FtM one, so the new content pack does that as well. Not a big thing, obviously, but if anyone wants the vanilla sam, just change the config as outlined in the README.

                                      If it bothers anyone and you don't want to deal with the config (or if you don't like dropbox for one reason or another), here's the content pack with vanilla sam as the default, (with the marnie/sebastian edit that Sarah made)

                                        Attached Files:

                                        Last edited: May 7, 2018
                                        ladydoodlebug and SarahSyna like this.
                                      • xixvimmm

                                        xixvimmm Void-Bound Voyager

                                        Hi @SarahSyna I'm having trouble downloading Shane; I just downloaded him today. I swear I'm putting the Character/ Shane into the Content/ Characters, but Shane's sprite is showing up as his portrait. Is there something I'm missing?

                                        Edit: Figured it out! I was downloading the individual Shane-- downloaded the 'bundle' version and Shane's character appeared properly.
                                          Last edited: May 7, 2018
                                          SarahSyna likes this.
                                        • SarahSyna

                                          SarahSyna Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                          Oh bugger, I'll go fix that right now.

                                          Edit: Fixed.
                                            xixvimmm likes this.

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