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RELEASED -=Discontinued=- -V 2.3- Craftable Guns

Discussion in 'Weapons, Armor and Clothes' started by Bestpick, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    Thanks for the feedback! :D
    The problems :
    .Hack, Kingdom Hearts barely look like guns and I don't understand HOW they are guns
    Dead space's gun was already made
    007 looks like something made with a matchbox and some stickers
    What I might make :
    Halo is the only thing I might make
    kozumaru likes this.
  2. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    V 2.2
    • Added Halo's Plasma Pistol
    Upload is taking a long time..
    Most likely because it is 1 1/2 MB
    kozumaru likes this.
  3. kozumaru

    kozumaru Space Hobo

    Great! I'll it as soon as possible, thank you.
  4. Wildaces22

    Wildaces22 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hot damn if you can find a way to add most of the guns from the Devil May Cry series as well as a few from Bayonetta I'd probably s**t myself. By the way if an when you get around to making Scarborough Fair can you make it quad wield-able?
  5. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    There is a reason why I am not going to make Scarborough Fair for reasons :
    You need 4 hands to weld all 4
    You can't program 4 haaands. ;_;
    I wish.
    I never even played Bayonetta. D:
  6. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    V 2.3
    • Added the 2 Onyx Roses from Bayonetta
    • WARNING : Didn't have time to test. May be unstable.
    Sorry I was late. Busy and confusing day today.
  7. DXLelouch

    DXLelouch Void-Bound Voyager

    go play it then its probably like less then 5 dollars by now cause of the sequel
    also fyi you dont need 4 hands to wield then
    just program 2 of the 4
    i wasnt forced to use the ones she wield with her feet thats for sure when i played it
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  8. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    ...Maybe I can program all 4. Maybe it will be a "Pick your favorite color" situation.
    I don't know, If I do add them they will be around 1.7x stronger than the Onyx Roses and have all 4 included with respective colors.
  9. DragonZombie

    DragonZombie Pangalactic Porcupine

    In offended koala, using any gun crashes the game! (in this case i used the bubbler)

    Warn: Perf: MainInterface::update millis: 277
    Warn: Perf: ClientApplication::updateRunning millis: 281
    Warn: Perf: ClientApplication::update millis: 281
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update millis: 281
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop millis: 310
    Debug: Correcting path from /cardgun/cardgun.gun to /Cardgun/cardgun.gun
    Debug: Correcting path from /cardgun/cardgunicon.png to /Cardgun/cardgunicon.png
    Error: Could not load /craftgun/bubblegun/bubblegunmf.animation asset, attempting to use default.
    AssetException: Could not read variant asset /craftgun/bubblegun/bubblegunmf.animation
    caused by: AssetException: No such asset '/craftgun/bubblegun/bubblegunmf.animation'
  10. ok373

    ok373 Void-Bound Voyager

    same here
  11. DXLelouch

    DXLelouch Void-Bound Voyager

    just checked
    crafted a gun then when i tried to shoot with it the game closed
    no message like you guys though
  12. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    Try using it with the Bubble Gun. It seems to be they're problems atm.
    I tried the bubbler, upon shooting it the game didn't close. Any other gun I tried didn't make it close
    either. I will reupload with my files here in a second

  13. DragonZombie

    DragonZombie Pangalactic Porcupine

    does that mean that it works now? and redownload?
    EDIT: still crashes with same error! what!
    I tried with another gun and same... none of them work (waste of pixels)
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  14. SaintPanda

    SaintPanda Cosmic Narwhal

  15. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    Please locate starbound.log in the "Starbound" folder and put ALL of it into a pastebin.
  16. Demonasius

    Demonasius Space Spelunker

    This mod looks great, more guns is always nice but I had a question. From the list on the OP it looks like all the guns are pistols, is this accurate? I'm not bashing pistols or dislike them but it would be nice if a few were Assault Rifles (Single fire, burst, full auto) and a few Shotguns, etc. Put some more variety in the weaponry.
  17. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    MOST of them are pistols. Most of the special guns aren't exactly "pistols", more of "Futuristic Weapons, Toys, Bubble Machines, and Ultimate Snowball Machines".
    I'll look in to making some Assault Rifles or Shotguns soon, but they are as test.
  18. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    Unless you fixed it, I really need for you to locate your starbound.log file and put all the text into a pastebin.
    (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Starbound/starbound.log)
  19. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    All of you, is it working? If not, Put starbound.log into a pastebin.
    (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Starbound/starbound.log)
    Please you guys, I need to fix this if it is happening. :c
  20. DXLelouch

    DXLelouch Void-Bound Voyager

    its a moot point since the new update you have to fix it regardless
    also since the new update makes modding super simple it might go away on its own

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