REQUEST Dirt Re-texture

Discussion in 'Mods' started by joshmiller83, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. joshmiller83

    joshmiller83 Big Damn Hero

    I would like to see a Texture Replacement for all the Dirt in the game to be the same and not have random sprouts, pebbles or whatever. Bugs my OCD when planning to see all that. I'd like just plain ole dirt.
    • Kamirose

      Kamirose Big Damn Hero

      I've been wanting this too. I'll take a look at the files when I get home from work :)
      • Kamirose

        Kamirose Big Damn Hero

        Are you okay with the little like, mini craters or whatever? These things? [​IMG]
        Or would you rather the dirt just be completely smooth?

        Edit: Also, can't seem to find the summer tilesheet. I'm guessing it's the same as the spring tilesheet, but will have to test.
        Edit2: Found the summer tilesheet. There are two locations with some tilesheets, seems the ones in effect are in the content\maps directory, instead of straight in content.
        Edit3: I'm gonna do three levels. No weeds, no rocks, and completely smooth.
          Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
        • Kamirose

          Kamirose Big Damn Hero

          Well, I'm done with the spring, summer, and fall sheets, but I can't decide if I should edit winter's. On the one hand, it'd make it more consistent. On the other hand, the base tile for snow is literally just solid blue, so it'd make everything just plain solid blue. Maybe an optional side download. Anyone have any thoughts?
          • joshmiller83

            joshmiller83 Big Damn Hero

            I'd have to see both versions too see. :( Not sure which would be better.
            • Kamirose

              Kamirose Big Damn Hero

              Haha yeah. I finished the files, but I'm at work right now so I'll release them when I get home.

              Although if anyone has a save file in winter, and wants to take screenshots for me, let me know!

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