WIP Dino Valley

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Morichinatsu, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. Morichinatsu

    Morichinatsu Space Spelunker

    I am on a quest to make a mod that turns Stardew Valley into a dinosaur petting zoo with new animals, crops, produce, food, everything!

    As of the 17th of March,
    "I started a list of what animals we already have and some plans on what to change them to.
    No guarantees that the list will stick, I'll definitely probably switch up some of them later on, but a small peek at the current list of dinosaur plans are as follows;
    +9 others

    After thinking about how I'll be changing the animals and what they dropped, I realized that that means I'll have to change what their drops are used for and how they're used and what recipes they can be used in and so much stuff. Whoops I guess I gave myself a rather large mod project but I'm totally up for it! This'll be lots of fun!"

    Dinosaur puns;
    What do you get when you make dinosaur soup? A-pot-o-saurus!
    How did dinosaurs take pictures? With their camarasauruses!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
    • Takaia

      Takaia Intergalactic Tourist

      Pigs would be truffle dinos and you could make the crops real prehistoric plants. Make sure to add interesting prehistoric trees and stoufs

      Edit #1: Hint: my favorite dino is parasaurolophus
        Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
      • Morichinatsu

        Morichinatsu Space Spelunker

        Awesome! I started a list of what animals we already have and some plans on what to change them to.
        No guarantees that the list will stick, I'll definitely probably switch up some of them later on, but a small peek at the current list of dinosaur plans are as follows;
        +9 others

        After thinking about how I'll be changing the animals and what they dropped, I realized that that means I'll have to change what their drops are used for and how they're used and what recipes they can be used in and so much stuff. Whoops I guess I gave myself a rather large mod project but I'm totally up for it! This'll be lots of fun!

        Another lame dinopun for you all- how did dinosaurs take pictures? with their camarasauruses!
        • Morichinatsu

          Morichinatsu Space Spelunker

          Apparently I'm either really bad at seeing things or it just isn't there, but I can't find where to edit the shop interface at Marnie's, which is kind of really needed if I'm going to do this thing at all because I'd rather not do it at all than do a crappy job at it.
          If anybody has any clue how to do this, you would be a tremendous deal of help to a wannabe modder!
          Sorry guys! </3
          • CaveSalamander

            CaveSalamander Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Just wanna tell you good luck, that's quite the project you're looking at

            If you mean the animal faces, they're found (among several other interface elements) in LooseSprites>Cursors.xnb
            • Morichinatsu

              Morichinatsu Space Spelunker

              Oh my goodness I really am blind aren't I? So much for my glasses </3 I literally just woke up now I'm so excited about this project again!! <3
              I will probably be doing a livestreaming of the doodles so I'll set that up and link it once I get my computer up and running. :)

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