Diary of a Lone Avali [Discontinued]

Discussion in 'Writing' started by Gilligan Lanley, Dec 20, 2015.


What's your opinion of the story so far?

  1. Great!

  2. Okay.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Decent..

  4. Needs more work.

    0 vote(s)
  5. GIB MEH MOAR!!!

  6. Pinapple (You know who you are <3)

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    Ehrm, hello mister terminator
    Relten likes this.
  2. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    I do not ONLY play Star Wars Battlefront, I play Starbound and I have an Apex rebel as my main character, so I'm more immersed in the plight of the Miniknog and have a deep longing to see them in future updates and be able to destroy them.
    Master Automan IV likes this.
  3. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    My march for universal conquest and planetary annihilation is a long and epic one....Not even the Outpost is safe from my atomic wrath.


    Terminator? Meh...I just like blowing shit up.
    Solar313 and Master Automan IV like this.
  4. Master Automan IV

    Master Automan IV Phantasmal Quasar

    I said that because of your avatar. And if your in these forums then obviously you play starbound.
    Solar313 and Relten like this.
  5. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    Yeah, sometimes I just have to blow some shit up *puts C-4 on wall*

    Fine, but how could you even read the text that clear... oh yeah, ok, no problem here.
  6. Master Automan IV

    Master Automan IV Phantasmal Quasar

    I have the game. I can recognize that box art from far away.
    Speaking of which I enjoy that game. I'd give it an 8.5/10. Don't judge me.

    Edit: I LOVE Blowing sh:poo:t up.
    Solar313 likes this.
  7. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    Its all cool here. Are you getting PvZ GW 2? I pre ordered it so its downloading right now.

    Edit: if you dont know what plants vs zombies garden warfare 2 is then you have been living in a hole or your just really uninformed.
    Master Automan IV likes this.
  8. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    Riiiiiight...let's not derail the thread.

    I cannot wait to read the next chapter.
  9. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    *serious mode*
    Please refrain from discussing other non-topic stuff on the thread. It goes against forums rules.

    *not serious mode*
    I just don't want you guys getting into trouble, or too off topic for posting non-related stuffs to the thread. Please take those topics to an appropriate thread or into a conversation. Hell, include me in it as well, I'm interested in all sorts of games.

  10. Master Automan IV

    Master Automan IV Phantasmal Quasar

    Woops. Sorry thanks anyways.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  11. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    Sorry. Sometimes I get off-track, you know?
  12. Master Automan IV

    Master Automan IV Phantasmal Quasar

    That will happen to everyone eventually.
    Gilligan Lanley and Solar313 like this.
  13. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    Probably already has happened to most people on the forum. :lickitung:
  14. Master Automan IV

    Master Automan IV Phantasmal Quasar

    Back on topic please. Waiting for next log.

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  15. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    It's kay. I should have a new one by night's fall today/tomorrow. :3
  16. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    Yeah, cant wait 4 next log. And Automan? Get your spelling right :rofl:
  17. Master Automan IV

    Master Automan IV Phantasmal Quasar

    Don't be a grammar nazi okay.
    I was speed typing.
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  18. Master Automan IV

    Master Automan IV Phantasmal Quasar


    Was me mentioning "Nezun x Mira" in your pixel art thread the inspiration for log 9?
    Or was that already planned and the art you posted was foreshadowing the events?
    Gilligan Lanley, Solar313 and Relten like this.
  19. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    Its fine, but I be like, grammar ninja :nuruninja:
  20. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    It was planned. :nuruflirt:
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