Diamonds Were to find

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Hulk1X, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Hulk1X

    Hulk1X Intergalactic Tourist

    Hello can anyone tell me where is the best place to get diamonds
    Thank you
  2. Jerln

    Jerln Oxygen Tank

    Deep underground. Very, very deep underground. Also, they may be more common on higher level planets.
  3. Hulk1X

    Hulk1X Intergalactic Tourist

    Thank you
  4. Ralij

    Ralij Big Damn Hero

    They are much more common on higher tier planets even within the first 400 or so blocks down. Once you start hunting for aegisalt/violium/redthingieswhosenameIforgot you can come across them in veins of up to 10 at a time while looking for the stuff you need to tier up.
  5. Hulk1X

    Hulk1X Intergalactic Tourist

    thanks for the tip

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