dexterous horses

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Skinflint, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. Skinflint

    Skinflint Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think it's hilarious that I can ride my horse into the sewers from the southeast field then climb out into town still riding it. Evidently it somehow clambored its way up the ladder?! Those are some dexterous horses in Stardew Valley! Can they also perhaps knit? *rimshot*

    In seriousness, though, please keep the game this way because I do like not having to walk back home from the town's sewer plate. I just couldn't resist making a gag thread of it. *sheepish grin*
    • Borodin

      Borodin Oxygen Tank

      CA's all about the whimsical. Dexterous horses, inhabitants who need iron bars to treat their backs, festivals involving glowing jellyfish, Baba Yaga cursing dead plants, etc. I get the feeling he's not about to eliminate any of it, so rest easy. It all gives such a unique flavor to the game.
        Skinflint likes this.
      • Skinflint

        Skinflint Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Forgive my pedantry's casting any illusion of dissatisfaction on my part: it is the fantastical melding with the more mundane or naturalistic that bemused me as in Stardew's world I find little trace that would indicate horses were conferred with such capability. Introducing fantasy by degrees will always by definition leave some less fantastical than the rest, so since horses fell on the more mundane end of Stardew's spectrum, my attempt at a joke was to hilight the seemingly inadvertent incongruity between normal horse capabilities and those they exhibited in practice in this instance, perhaps all the more droll for having been given no particular emphasis in the game as of such whimsical intent by its creator so actually made only more noteworthy by the presence of clearly intended fantastical elements. Oddly enough, gaming conventions often require even greater leaps in suspending disbelief, such as lead me to my practical affirmation to leave be the implicitly preturnaturally dexterous horses, so by no means do I intend to inflect any criticism and I apologize if my joke seemed to have come in any respect at the game's and/or its creator's expense.
        • SuperPiggeh

          SuperPiggeh Poptop Tamer

          My Top 10 most ridiculous things about this game:

          10. The hospital closes at 3PM. tf is that
          9. This, the horses.
          8. The hidden statues. The ones you get from putting stuff in boxes, AND the solid gold lewis. I just find those really funny.
          7. The strength game at the SDV Fair. The results you can get are hilarious, if you get low enough. There's even "Gym Teacher" level!
          6. Willy doesn't even like rare fish. You give him a Legend and he doesn't even care, he's just like "thanks"
          5. Pam.
          4. Kids. They don't do anything. They're useless. They're not even humans, they have the same mechanics as animals for gods sake.
          3. Kent sends you BOMBS in the mail. That can't be legal, can it?
          2. The fact that your reputation is judged almost entirely on gift giving. It's obvious all the people in town are just using you for gifts. I mean, you can say a billion nice things to them, hang out with them all day, they don't care. You give them a gift, THEN their opinion of you changes.
          1. The bulletin board! The funniest things I've ever seen in this game have come from help wanted requests. Catfish to rub on tooth, parsnip to rub on sore eye, sea cucumber for girl stuff, etc.

          Thank you for watching please subscribe for new top 10 videos every day!
          • Borodin

            Borodin Oxygen Tank

            I can't speak for others, but I don't see how anyone could have taken your remarks as an attack on CA. Without even knowing whether his horses were meant to be silly or otherwise, you still found them fun. And that's part of the core of SV. A gentle, dry humor pervades many aspects of the game. :)
              Skinflint likes this.

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