RELEASED Dewmetrius Valley [Scientifically Controversial!]

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by DJOkamical, Mar 11, 2016.


Would you marry Demetrius?

  1. Heck yeah!

  2. Heck yeah!

  3. Heck yeah!

  4. Heck yeah!

  1. cure

    cure Pangalactic Porcupine

    Still the best mod ever
    • Robicon

      Robicon Space Spelunker

      It's time again, folks!

      This time, it's time for

      and daughter Demetrigail

      • Palaxar

        Palaxar Void-Bound Voyager

        that Pam Demetrius is gonna give me nightmares, I think I'll pass and stick to either the nude portrait mod, maybe the busty portrati mod, or the anime portrait mod, or some other portrait mod. I'm gonna wait until the game has Steam Workshop to find other potential options for portrait mods as well.
        • Lewiss

          Lewiss Orbital Explorer

          What a stupid mod
            Loobyee likes this.
          • EpicAdventure

            EpicAdventure Zero Gravity Genie

            Maybe you shouldn't be taking the mod seriously, it's supposed to be a joke. By that kind of avatar, I though you knew what a joke means. Apparently not! :V
            And have you seen how many files were modified? That takes some time and effort, so keep that rude comments in your mind, that was disrepectful to EVERYONE that made this mod.
            I don't see you making great mods, I'd like to see you try.
              kinagshcao, Gabaw and 1Life0Continues like this.
            • Gabaw

              Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

              kinagshcao and EpicAdventure like this.
            • BlankSlater

              BlankSlater Space Penguin Leader

              this is the best mod of its kind on the forum :D
                kinagshcao likes this.
              • amnesjr

                amnesjr Void-Bound Voyager

                Is this updated for 1.1 yet?
                • TurnipStar

                  TurnipStar Big Damn Hero

                  You guys are amazing. I don't know how to mod, but I can make the digital arts, a little!

                  I call him...Mr. Di.

                  • DJOkamical

                    DJOkamical Space Kumquat

                    This is going to sound insane, especially seeing as I've been dead silent for so long but....

                    I'm thinking of maybe finishing this mod here soon. No promises but, we can maybe expect to see a few more Dewmetriuses in the future. :^)
                      Roskii Heiral, DWrathh and Little Lea like this.
                    • Crusism

                      Crusism Big Damn Hero

                      Looking forward to an update. xD
                      • BlueSkyes

                        BlueSkyes Star Wrangler

                        (Late reply)
                        hello little chil--

                        • Zosa

                          Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

                          • LutherClay

                            LutherClay Void-Bound Voyager

                            It's official: Demetrius is the Nicholas Cage of Stardew Valley.

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