RELEASED Dewmetrius Valley [Scientifically Controversial!]

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by DJOkamical, Mar 11, 2016.


Would you marry Demetrius?

  1. Heck yeah!

  2. Heck yeah!

  3. Heck yeah!

  4. Heck yeah!

  1. StardewLaunchPlayer

    StardewLaunchPlayer And Do the MONKEY!

    This is hilarious.
    • DJOkamical

      DJOkamical Space Kumquat

      Going to try my hand at replacing a monster here in a few :>
        farmvillesux likes this.
      • 1Life0Continues

        1Life0Continues Void-Bound Voyager

        Just have to say that I think I love this community. Seriously. :laugh::laugh:
          farmvillesux and TheFool like this.
        • Jeremiah Gottwald

          Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager

          I have edited the ghost monster image file, in game he just floats around there is no walking animation.
          probably need to do some coding to get him to walk. maybe someone could figure that out :D
          • Elengeness

            Elengeness Space Hobo

            I love every single bit of this thread.
            • Jeremiah Gottwald

              Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager


              Rock Crab demetrius!

              Took more time to make that gif than to make the mod lol

                Attached Files:

              • heartphilia

                heartphilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

                Oh my god, this is actually funny. I wouldn't use it though haha. But it's true. I can't understand those who are getting rid of Demetrius and Maru, too. Why not get rid of Linus too because he's homeless. And Abby because she's a goth. And Sebastian because he's kind of emo. And his Mom because she remarried. And Marnie for you know what with Lewis. And and and. Seriously.

                Edit: Sorry for earlier, didn't mean to sound offending. I think my choice of words doesn't sound as I intended. I apologize, if anyone felt attacked.
                  Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
                  farmvillesux likes this.
                • Pinkishu

                  Pinkishu Phantasmal Quasar

                  Because its a mod and thus people can decide who they'd like to get rid of and who not... thats kind of the whole point of modding :p
                  With that logic nothing can get changed even. Why make Jas cuter? Then we have to make everyone cute! Because uncute people cant exist?!
                  Why make the price of this higher or lower? The developer surely intended well with it! We would be offending them.
                    Sph, Iffydust, Beret and 2 others like this.
                  • heartphilia

                    heartphilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    No, of course everyone can do it, the way they want it and mod what they want. I just think, if you try to get rid of everything that stands out, it won't be the same game anymore and everything will be just the same.
                    • cure

                      cure Pangalactic Porcupine

                      Lets not bring salt in here (Unless it has Demetrius' face on it)
                      • AirplaneRandy

                        AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        • heartphilia

                          heartphilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

                          Yay :D Do I now get to be in the game?
                          • Pinkishu

                            Pinkishu Phantasmal Quasar

                            Maybe, but for some that might be just fine
                            • heartphilia

                              heartphilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

                              By the way, don't get me wrong, I don't want to offend anyone. I was just wondering.
                              • Sky303

                                Sky303 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                I think people are mistaking this as some sort of campaign against race mods...

                                When its the exact opposite.
                                This is hilarious btw. Please make a Demetrius baby. My Demetrius family will be fully compete after.
                                  Vixxi and Iffydust like this.
                                • Sph

                                  Sph Intergalactic Tourist

                                  You clearly weren't. With words such as "seriously" and your very obvious passive aggressive stance on the entire subject there was definitely some sort of implied criticism against the people you mentioned earlier. While it's fine to have a different opinion from others, don't bring it into this thread. This is a thread about Dewmetrius Valley. I don't want to derail this thread any further, so I'm likely not going to add anything else, but with statements such as these you're very likely to offend some people and start the debate all over again and we already had that.
                                    Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
                                  • heartphilia

                                    heartphilia Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                    Okay, if you see it that way, that's fine. Then I apologize. (By the way, this is not sarcasm, I know it's hard to "read" stuff in the right tone sometimes.)
                                    • Meevers

                                      Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Yeah don't bring arguments and crap in here. Just let it be filled with fun and hilarious mods. You can see this whole mod however you like. As a 'fuck you' to the people whitewashing or as a 'hell yeah' to any kind of race mods or just simply as a hilarious mod. It doesn't matter. It's just fun so keep it that way.
                                        Iffydust, cure and heartphilia like this.
                                      • Jeremiah Gottwald

                                        Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager

                                          Iffydust, cure and TheFool like this.
                                        • DJOkamical

                                          DJOkamical Space Kumquat

                                          Rock Crab is now Demetrius thanks to Jeremiah.
                                          Enjoy erryboody. :>
                                            cure and Iffydust like this.

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