RELEASED Dewmetrius Valley [Scientifically Controversial!]

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by DJOkamical, Mar 11, 2016.


Would you marry Demetrius?

  1. Heck yeah!

  2. Heck yeah!

  3. Heck yeah!

  4. Heck yeah!

  1. DJOkamical

    DJOkamical Space Kumquat

    It's pretty much fine other than Demetrius's face is a bit blurry, still really hilarious though lol
    • Avarwen

      Avarwen Pangalactic Porcupine

      LOL this is too funny would love to see more silly mods like this.

      ^^ This not sure who he should be though.
        Iffydust and TheFool like this.
      • Jeremiah Gottwald

        Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager

        Linus Demetrius!

        This was a easy one xD
        • carnage157

          carnage157 Pangalactic Porcupine

          I made some better gifs. The funny thing about the first one is that it's actually directly in front of his house.

          ....he stole my sap
          • Jeremiah Gottwald

            Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager

            It's so funny man xD
            • carnage157

              carnage157 Pangalactic Porcupine

            • Jeremiah Gottwald

              Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager

              Demetrius says this in game "Robin has a hot temper. It's better to stay on her good if I could quantify her mood levels, perhaps I could model the fluctuations using a sinusoidal curve..."

              I guess robin heard him saying that and buried him halfway xD
                farmvillesux, cure, TheFool and 2 others like this.
              • Iffydust

                Iffydust Starship Captain

                Thank you :D this will make my gameplay the best ever ^^ :D
                  TheFool likes this.
                • DJOkamical

                  DJOkamical Space Kumquat

                  I'll get around to adding him in a few. :>
                  • AirplaneRandy

                    AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    My eyes are up here oni-chan.
                    Demetrius Leah now available!


                      Attached Files:

                      Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
                    • cure

                      cure Pangalactic Porcupine

                      why can't my melons be demetrius heads?
                      • TheFool

                        TheFool Astral Cartographer

                        it had to happen, and i'm glad it did.

                        godspeed, all you excellent people.
                          farmvillesux likes this.
                        • Iffydust

                          Iffydust Starship Captain

                          Thats one good looking Demetrius :rofl:
                          • Popette

                            Popette Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            are you sure you want that? [​IMG]
                            Are you realllly sure? [​IMG]
                            • Iffydust

                              Iffydust Starship Captain

                              Yes this is what we (atleast I do) want :rofl: his face is perfect on anything :rofl:
                              • DJOkamical

                                DJOkamical Space Kumquat

                                I got her in, welcome to the club, * v*
                                  Iffydust likes this.
                                • DJOkamical

                                  DJOkamical Space Kumquat

                                  This is absolutely hilarious, lol
                                  • Axelius

                                    Axelius Tentacle Wrangler

                                    I am now more sure than ever.
                                      Cache, TheFool and Iffydust like this.
                                    • Iffydust

                                      Iffydust Starship Captain

                                      I can't wait til guys made a Grampa Demetrius to the game :D your doing a great job everybody
                                        farmvillesux likes this.
                                      • cure

                                        cure Pangalactic Porcupine

                                        It's the greatest thing I've ever seen I think. <3
                                          farmvillesux likes this.

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