RELEASED Dewmetrius Valley [Scientifically Controversial!]

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by DJOkamical, Mar 11, 2016.


Would you marry Demetrius?

  1. Heck yeah!

  2. Heck yeah!

  3. Heck yeah!

  4. Heck yeah!

  1. DJOkamical

    DJOkamical Space Kumquat

    That's hilarious, lol
    • DJOkamical

      DJOkamical Space Kumquat

      For some reason, it's not appearing on my plasma tv, maybe that file is used for something else? lol
      • Popette

        Popette Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Oh yep, xD The TVs are much bigger! I don't know what the sprite is used for really. -_o_-
        • DJOkamical

          DJOkamical Space Kumquat

          It could be for old George's television set, lol
          • TheFool

            TheFool Astral Cartographer

            damn, i knew the scientist was going to get wise to worms meaning artifacts sooner or later.
            oh well, if he keeps getting stuck i have nothing to worry about.
              Iffydust and carnage157 like this.
            • AirplaneRandy

              AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              That Emily one...
              GOTTA GO FAST!
                rchpweblo, izzy82, Drogean and 2 others like this.
              • Jeremiah Gottwald

                Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager

              • carnage157

                carnage157 Pangalactic Porcupine

                Don't know if this looks any good, but this is my attempt at the Wizard.

                [​IMG] + [​IMG] = [​IMG]

                  Attached Files:

                • AirplaneRandy

                  AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Maybe you can get some inspiration from Michael Jackson's The Wiz


                    Attached Files:

                    farmvillesux and EltonScone like this.
                  • Axelius

                    Axelius Tentacle Wrangler

                    Best mod out there.
                      rchpweblo likes this.
                    • TheFool

                      TheFool Astral Cartographer

                      orange-kun, i think you made the most fitting Demetrius edit yet.
                      this works so well it's scary.
                        rchpweblo and Drogean like this.
                      • Elengeness

                        Elengeness Space Hobo

                        Omg. HANDS DOWN, best mod ever.
                        • Chief@ROD

                          Chief@ROD Space Spelunker




                          MY SIDEEESSSS
                          • Jeremiah Gottwald

                            Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager

                            Thanks guys xD
                            • Sharkivore

                              Sharkivore Astral Cartographer

                              As a Bl--

                              Scientist, I approve of this Mod.
                                TheFool and Kittenykat like this.
                              • Kittenykat

                                Kittenykat Big Damn Hero

                                This is hilarious xD
                                • Qtw

                                  Qtw Phantasmal Quasar

                                  i think i am going to use this. it is extremely funny!
                                  • Jeremiah Gottwald

                                    Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager

                                  • Jeremiah Gottwald

                                    Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Cursors..png put this in your content\loosesprites\cursors.xnb

                                    Demetrius in ur trading box.
                                    he will pop out when u put something in the box.

                                    • Beret

                                      Beret Subatomic Cosmonaut

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