RELEASED Dewmetrius Valley [Scientifically Controversial!]

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by DJOkamical, Mar 11, 2016.


Would you marry Demetrius?

  1. Heck yeah!

  2. Heck yeah!

  3. Heck yeah!

  4. Heck yeah!

  1. carnage157

    carnage157 Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is the beginning of a new age.
    DemetriusDew Valley
    • Mishakiara

      Mishakiara Void-Bound Voyager

    • TheFool

      TheFool Astral Cartographer

      how about if we have a full conversion mod, Dewmetrius Valley.
        rchpweblo, Iffydust, Popette and 2 others like this.
      • Popette

        Popette Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Don't forget his friend, Jas!
        • DJOkamical

          DJOkamical Space Kumquat

          That's perfect!
          You should submit that as a mod as well!
          (If you don't know how to, I could do it for you and give you the file to submit yourself, lol)

          Our ultimate goal.
            Iffydust likes this.
          • Lazward

            Lazward Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            This is truly the best mod on this entire site. Bless your soul, and everyone whos souls are joining in on this.
              Iffydust and TheFool like this.
            • Mishakiara

              Mishakiara Void-Bound Voyager

              I have no idea how it looks in game, but here it is. Robin as Demetrius just for you.
              I think this is best left in this thread.

                Attached Files:

                TheFool likes this.
              • DJOkamical

                DJOkamical Space Kumquat

                Nooooo, share it with the woorld!
                (Or give me permission to share it for youuu [I'll credit youuuu])

                The world needs this man. :<
                  Iffydust likes this.
                • Mishakiara

                  Mishakiara Void-Bound Voyager

                  You definitely have credit to share it for me. Everybody needs everybody as Demetrius.
                  • DJOkamical

                    DJOkamical Space Kumquat


                    I'll be updating the mod shortly with your Demetrius, welcome to the Dewmetrius Founders Club!
                    (It looks great, btw!)
                      Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
                    • Randonx

                      Randonx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Einhorn is Finkle....
                      Finkle is Einhorn!
                      Einhorn is a Man!
                      Oh my GOD
                      • Popette

                        Popette Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Forgive me for my crummy Jas, I feel bad for not properly contributing. Have this instead! Feel free to use it in the promising mod/ make it a mod.

                        He shouldn't be limited Pelican Town, he is a media sensation and needs to be properly represented!
                        • Jeremiah Gottwald

                          Jeremiah Gottwald Void-Bound Voyager


                          Please make a mod with this to :)
                          • DJOkamical

                            DJOkamical Space Kumquat

                            That's pretty awesome, I'll figure out how to get him in asap!
                            • DJOkamical

                              DJOkamical Space Kumquat

                              I'll get her in! :>
                              • DJOkamical

                                DJOkamical Space Kumquat

                                Where is that file located anyway?
                                • Popette

                                  Popette Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  Thank you- also I believe it was under TileSheets? I can't find the Queen of Sauce though! =( (( or any of the actual TV stuff v__v ))

                                  ALSO, once we've achieved full Demetrius I promise to play a save with the mod. While of course also being Demetrius. . . though we need to mod his shirt+belt in...! [​IMG]
                                  • Mishakiara

                                    Mishakiara Void-Bound Voyager

                                    He can now be your local single Doctor too

                                      Attached Files:

                                    • Ingway

                                      Ingway Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      This is hilarious.
                                      • carnage157

                                        carnage157 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                        uhhh so I've never done any modding or sprite work before but felt like giving it a try.
                                        it's ... a bit weird. I apologize.

                                        Anyways this replaces the artifact spot.
                                        Location is "Stardew Valley\Content\LooseSprites\Cursors.xnb" so make a back up of that file.

                                          Attached Files:

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