I meant to get some requests done, but then I got sucked into building in Starbound, and then after that, I started in on the concept for my custom race. I don't wanna give it all away as yet, but I'll say that I planned their design based on what I imagine their home world is like. The base model for the male. Lower center of gravity, tail for balance, split toe hooves and camel-esque padding to the feet for added grappling power. They live on a planet with very few valleys and only a precious few subalpine-esque plateaus, so living vertically has influenced their evolution and their taste for vertical, often impossible architecture. Highly advanced in biotechnology. Bonus with features. subject to change. the quillish hair is actually very sensitive tendrils used as something of a storm-gauge, since the storms on their planet tend to be a riotous, lethal affair if caught out in one. With their leap off their home rock, however, these are more of a vestigial trait than anything. More to come!
I dunno! I don't think so! Requests are always open, but I'm not sure when I will get around to 'em. I'm def on a species kick atm. Speaking of. I reworked some anatomy, and defined (at least for myself) the particulars of how their feeding/faces work. Those lines are not purely decorative, but until I can wrangle my ideas into a legible piece of muscle study, I'll suffice by saying fully opened mouths are scary. once again, the hair isn't actually hair in the traditional sense. There are nerves in each tendril, so coiling each into these locks is really a painful process.
oops, here's another. dinky little sketch, because i actually have zero mech/ship/architectural skill. I imagine the first tier would look more like a fragmented meteor ball with lots of metal, comety bits, and as it upgrades, there would be some compartments horizontally, but in keeping with their racial love for vertical building, it would be up and then down. UPDATE: look, tier one idear.
Judging from the jaw makes me think it's carnivorous. the ship/mech reminds me of the enemies and upgrades from an old arcade/snes game called "BlaZeon". Don't give up on being a shipwright just yet, Out of chaos comes beauty.
well thanks! I'm a little fortunate with at least this part of the creative process because the way I imagine their ships allows for a little less mathematical precision and a little more of a natural, or organic look! edit: also, you're right, they are almost strictly carnivorous, omnivores that err more on the side of carnivores due to availability of vegetable matter, at any rate!
Man your art is good, the race looks like it'll be awesome... Although thanks to you I've just spent the last day working on an OC just so I could throw a request at you xD So.... Art me? ^^ At the moment he doesn't have a name and the pistol is a placeholder until I figure out how to design his, if you want some personality.... What I came up with whilst his outfit designed itself (especially the mask... I had no planned part in how that turned out), he's distant but mischievous. And now I'm thinking here's what little do know about him, he was going to be a protectorate privateer in lieu of a prison sentence after turning evidence against his former employers. Earth going boom derailed that though, he did get a ship out of it though and found an abandoned Viera outpost to call home.
thanks so much! I'll try to get around to ya soon, this race endeavor is sucking up most of my artistic freetime though! Stay tuned!
Right? Right now I'm attempting to learn the basics behind adding my own content to a mod (avoiding most of the actual coding for the moment), reading tutorials, working on a wikia, phew.
I've got like, zero pixel experience, so weapons are one of those things I'll probably put off until the end myself. Hell, I'm putting off the base avatar atm because of the unguligrade legs. These guys'll require a totally custom head to toe build. INSTEAD. I've been working on the ship file, as I found a tutorial that's been helpful in breaking down the unexplained. The beginnings (sans custom thruster... which I can't even brain right now, custom safe, SAIL interface, fuel gauge and... basically the better half of the cockpit.) More or less just getting dwon the base structure/decor so doing the next tiers takes less time. I do not look forward to the hand cramping pixeling that that wall will require.
Underslung cockpit? Also a cheat from a pixel artist make texture tiles and use layers, you can more or less fill a section with the tile and then go in and edit. As for me it's the bigger stuff I mostly dread, that said your ship is looking good although it definitely reminds me of the Rockmen in FTL.
all this work is looking so freaking incredible. i cant wait to work on spriting with you. Agh, they're such cool alien dudes.
I wasn't sure at first if it'd be an over or underslung cockpit from the sketch at first, initially wondered if it was an overlooking balcony type bridge.
Yeah! The sketch is more of a loose guideline, but I think around tier 4, you get the top half of that cockpit bubble and the console'll be suspended. ONE STEP AT A TIME. I've gotta finish my textures/shapes for the walls and figure out how the rest of the ship exterior pieces are gonna look. I need to tone down the intensity of the text to fit the more simplified style of the game for sure. It's all sort of a learning experience.
Your work is absolutely beautiful. Would you be willing to draw my character Geist, please? If not, I understand. I've never fan art of any of my characters before, so the prospect is exciting to me. In case you do take it up; here's some references and information: Geist is a human who at a young age stowed away on a cargo ship that crash landed on an ice planet. By proving himself in combat, he became accepted as a part of the floran tribe that was nearby the crash site. Eventually he managed to scavenge enough parts to repair the ship, and he now travels the stars. He feels more kinship with Floran and Glitch than to even his own race, and while he generally acts benevolently he is a quick shot and has no patience for Hylotl or Avians, to whom he is particularly cruel. His Tribal routes still show, as he is an avid hunter and collects trophies of his kills regularly, even when it happens to be another sentient creature. His eye color is a deep green, and he is slightly taller than average. His weapon of choice is a revolver, and he carries himself in a mostly serious manner. If you don't do my request that's fine, but I'd be honored!