ACTUALLY IT'S COMPLETLY IN GERMAN - OPTIONS FOR LANGUAGE CHOOSING COMING SOON! >> Download << DescriptionsEditor v0.1.0 >> Already used in DeutschMod << Installation Download the attached zip file. Unpack the zip file. Start the application. Getting Started. Getting started There is not much to say, so here are a few key points Pull in he file to edit using drag and drop. On the left is the original English description. Right you write your new description. Press the Save button. Place the modified files in a folder and move it into "..\Starbound\giraffe_storage\mods\" Start Starbound and have fun. Optional: The zip file contains a short video. Other information This modification was created because we need it for our translation. Since other player would like to play Starbound in their native language, it allows you to translate many items and objects.