WIP Desaturated/less yellow UI and dialogue boxes, plus other odds and ends

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Sabreene, Dec 3, 2017.


Recolor dialogue box only, or more of the UI?

  1. Only the dialogue box

    0 vote(s)
  2. Dialogue box and letter

    0 vote(s)
  3. Dialogue box, letter and more of the UI (like the date/time, energy bars, etc)

    15 vote(s)
  1. Sabreene

    Sabreene Astral Cartographer

    Thank you! I didn't even think about erasing everything but the pot, to make an overlay! That's perfect!
    • Sabreene

      Sabreene Astral Cartographer

      After double checking and seeing you did it exactly how I would've done it, (had I thought about it, lmao!), I attached your zip file on nexus and gave you credit for it. Let me know if you want any of that changed. Can we do @Allayna on Nexus? The @ didn't seem to work for anything, so I just linked your name to your mod page.

      Thanks again for thinking about that, and then doing it!! I appreciate it!! <3
      • Allayna

        Allayna Ketchup Robot

        I think for your links you need to make sure to link the new version of the website, mostly by putting "https://rd.nexusmods.com" instead of just "//nexusmods.com"

        And now you've got me annoyed at the event maps bright colors, so working further on it...Trying to match "A Toned Down Stardew Valley" I've recolored most of the winter stuff -
          Sabreene likes this.
        • Sabreene

          Sabreene Astral Cartographer

          I like that! I'd experimented with toning down the tablecloths on my personal version, but I always run into trouble with matching up snow. That snow looks good!!

          Right now I have the winter map that someone else did for Eemie, i think? That's included in her A New Map recolor. I run into problems with map editing, because I edit so much for personal use, and then forget what came from where. The yellow tones and bright tones tend to bug me, so then I gradually replace them, lol! Like, I did these bridges not too long ago --


          And then when I looked around at the map, I couldn't remember what else I'd done, or what came from other people, like you and Eemie, lol. So I think your idea with overlays is really the way to go!

          Oh, and I totally forgot about nexus having the old vs new layout. I guess since i'm using the new layout, it automatically opens everything up in it. But I tested on a different browser, and yep, all my links are opening to the old layout without that little "rd." in front. Thanks for letting me know!!
          • Allayna

            Allayna Ketchup Robot

            My snow pallet is from the Toned Down I mentioned... somewhere? :rofl: The non-blue snow looks SO GOOD.
            I also I took the buildings from Eemie's Seasonal Victorian buildings and recolored the snow on those to that same pallet.
            I'll share I've you're interested!

            But yeah, so many edits I've done... I generally remember the stuff *I* did, but as to other stuff, I always forget what came from who.

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