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Server Discussion Dedicated server admin commands.

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by DJ Mikey, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. DJ Mikey

    DJ Mikey Astral Cartographer


    I go by the name DJ Mikey. Myself and my community currently host a professional dedicated Starbound server. I know the game is in beta and alot more will surly come but i cant help but address one thing that seems to be lacking.

    Admin commands. I understand this game is beta and that it is our job to help report bugs and offer suggestions to help development. However, it gets tough to do these things server side when certain players decide it would be more hilarious to troll spawn points and spam chat with names that are over 500 characters long. Players who feel it necessary to repeatedly insult other dedicated players/testers with derogatory insults ect. I cant help but feel that this negativity impedes the dedicated players from helping this game progress and im disheartened by the fact that i as a server owner have 0 tools to handle situations like this.

    If there is a way to moderate servers using ban and kick commands, id love to know how. Otherwise id like this to be my official thread asking for a swift roll out of moderating tools to help keep servers clean of hackers and distasteful people.

    Please, as soon as possible, add kick, mute, ban commands for server admins to use!
  2. otavio106

    otavio106 Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes, please add this in next update please! and one system multiplayer more easy can be :)
  3. Windex

    Windex Intergalactic Tourist

    Admin commands are on the roadmap, no ETA that i have seen
  4. Torren

    Torren Ketchup Robot

    Please, please, please give us working admin commands oh great Chucklefish. Many an asshat visit, and my pitiful requests for peace go unheard.

    Let me defend my people, so they may taste freedom from this tyranny.
  5. Whitey

    Whitey Poptop Tamer

    This is definitely something they'll do. But as you said - it's a beta. If you elect to run a public server currently, it's at your own risk.
  6. DJ Mikey

    DJ Mikey Astral Cartographer

    Though it would be nice to see some admin commands in the future, i have decided to start working on an admin gui mod. It may be some time before i even have a beta release but know that it is happening! Secondly, for anyone veiwing this post who owns a server or is a member of another server apart from mine. you can ban players via Iptables commands after setting up an IP log for the server.

    // run the following command for as long as you wish but note that keeping it constant eats up hard disk \\
    tcpdump -i <eth0> port <21025> -w /tmp/iplog.pcap

    then use

    tcpdump -qns 0 -A -r /tmp/sbdump.pcap > ~/sbdump.log

    after, simply open the .txt file and find the users name. The IP associated with that name can be banned using iptable drop commands.
    hobs, Torren and Fleder like this.
  7. hobs

    hobs Tentacle Wrangler

    Great use of tcpdump, I found myself needing to ban someone, and while I just used netstat and maxmind as I know their general location, this would have been even easier!
    gnarlor likes this.
  8. Lsal

    Lsal Space Hobo

    A simple whitelist would suffice for now, stop people connecting :)
  9. Fizzy Amp

    Fizzy Amp Void-Bound Voyager

  10. No need, read starbound_server.log, get ip associated with username, iptables

    can't believe you do all this just to link an ip to a name
  11. Churpy

    Churpy Void-Bound Voyager

    If you have a public server you should really just expect bad behaviour in general from players..

    I have my server passworded but I pretty much let anybody that asks in, and we've never been griefed or spammed, insulted, hacked or whatever. It hardly even matters because I have my auto-backup anti-griefing in place. Hopefully Chucklefish add some basic commands for next patch.
  12. DJ Mikey

    DJ Mikey Astral Cartographer

    Prior to the most recent patch, server log was logging ipv6. As you can see, this post was posted long before that patch.

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