RELEASED DD's Handsome Harvey Portraits [Now ft Elliott-in-progress]

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by DewdropDewdrop, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. DewdropDewdrop

    DewdropDewdrop Tentacle Wrangler

    03.04.16: Elliott now in progress:

    If you can't tell by my posts so far, I've a pretty solid mental image of what 'ol Harvey'd look like, and the sprite I had in-game just wasn't adding up. So, I made my own!




    Harvey.png Harvey.png Harvey.png Harvey.png Harvey.png Harvey.png

    Watch this space, the rest of the cast will probably turn up in time. In the meantime, give everyone's fave mustachioed doctor a home.

    Download links:
    The Works [tache + glasses]
    Lost Glasses [tache + no glasses]
    Smooth 'n Sightless [no tache, no glasses, no problem]
    Clean Shaven [no tache + glasses]
    new! Stubbled [with glasses]
    new! Stubbled [no glasses]

    If you've got any problems, questions or requests just let me know and I'll get to it!

    You can only have one version of this mod running at a time.
    To install, copy the .xnb to /stardew valley/content/portraits
    Backup the original file first, just in case you want to replace it!

      Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
    • peachitto

      peachitto Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      i really like this! i don't usually like Harvey with the mustache but you made it look very good! he looks really endearing this way.
      i'm interested to see how you would do the rest of the characters!
        farmvillesux and DewdropDewdrop like this.
      • 414a4c

        414a4c Space Spelunker

        you have a really cute art style :nod:
          farmvillesux and DewdropDewdrop like this.
        • Epitome

          Epitome Void-Bound Voyager

          This is really great! A lot of mods I see make Harvey look more hipster than dorky nerd, so this is a very welcome change of pace. Looking forward to seeing what you do in the future!
            DewdropDewdrop likes this.
          • DewdropDewdrop

            DewdropDewdrop Tentacle Wrangler

            Thank you so much! It took a little bit of tweaking to get it blending but I really wanted to make it work on his face rather than just sit on top of it, I'm glad I seem to have managed! :up:

            Thank you!

            I really wanted to go for something on the dweeby side of the tracks. It seemed...appropriate. :)
            • DewdropDewdrop

              DewdropDewdrop Tentacle Wrangler

              New variant released!
              Now with stubble, with or without glasses:


              Download links:
              new! Stubbled [with glasses]
              new! Stubbled [no glasses]

              If you've got any problems, questions or requests just let me know and I'll get to it!

              You can only have one version of this mod running at a time.
              To install, copy the .xnb to /stardew valley/content/portraits
              Backup the original file first, just in case you want to replace it!


                Epitome likes this.
              • paenghammy

                paenghammy Void-Bound Voyager

                Aweee love these!
                  DewdropDewdrop likes this.
                • Iffydust

                  Iffydust Starship Captain

                  I like your style alot, it's refreshing that it not manga style (those are cute to, but there are so many). I this one is the most handsome, cuz it keeps his dortyness rather then stripping him from it.

                  It's tempting to add him, but I cant handle 1 more farmer at the moment :rofl:
                    DewdropDewdrop likes this.
                  • DewdropDewdrop

                    DewdropDewdrop Tentacle Wrangler

                    Thank you! And man, I'm committed to keeping his dorkiness as in tact as possible if I can help it. If you ever do add him to your game, I hope you enjoy! :)
                      Iffydust likes this.
                    • DewdropDewdrop

                      DewdropDewdrop Tentacle Wrangler

                      Just letting everyone know that I'm also rehauling Elliott's icon set.
                      Here's a little WIP :up::

                        andiluxe, Iffydust and Meevers like this.
                      • Meevers

                        Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Your style is so unique, I absolutely love it. It makes such a nice change. Would love to eventually see the whole town in your style in the future~
                          DewdropDewdrop likes this.
                        • fimbulvetr

                          fimbulvetr Space Spelunker

                          Very cool! They look like Disney princes.
                            Iffydust and DewdropDewdrop like this.
                          • GreaterPorpoise

                            GreaterPorpoise Void-Bound Voyager

                            Harvey reminds me particularly of Roger from 101 Dalmatians! I'm super fussy about Harvey's portrait but this is perfect, gonna use it from now on.
                              Iffydust likes this.
                            • Ambaaargh

                              Ambaaargh Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                              *lurks the thread* These have been really neat so far. I'm looking forward to seeing more if you do them. I like the style you got going on where it feels really distinct but has nice elements of the character to them. Lots of personality. :rofl:

                              Prolly gonna wait on downloading myself for a lil bit just cause I find it jarring only having one character modded in the entire town. It always pulls me out of the game. But I just wanted to say I really like what you're doing and hope you continue on. :)
                              • RoastedCoconutz

                                RoastedCoconutz Pangalactic Porcupine

                                Aww, what an adorable dork! Once again I'm conflicted on who to marry.

                                Haha, you're right!! I knew that nose looked familiar. :p
                                  DewdropDewdrop likes this.
                                • sadlouie

                                  sadlouie Void-Bound Voyager

                                  I like how you're giving them way more character! Elliott's nose bump is very cute and you've made Harvey, like.. 100x more expressive tbh and it's adorbs.
                                    DewdropDewdrop likes this.
                                  • DewdropDewdrop

                                    DewdropDewdrop Tentacle Wrangler

                                    I suddenly want to make that nose even bigger, now :)
                                      RoastedCoconutz likes this.
                                    • Gabaw

                                      Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

                                      Harvey looks Italian now but he still ain't no stallion :rofl:
                                      • RoastedCoconutz

                                        RoastedCoconutz Pangalactic Porcupine

                                        So long as he can still see his feet and feed himself, go for it haha!
                                        • Yaushibee

                                          Yaushibee Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                          I absolutely adore this Harvey portrait. I've had it in my game for awhile now and can't see myself ever using any other portrait for him now. Like the others have said, your style really gives that extra bit of personality that's just perfect.

                                          I'm looking forward to seeing the final product of Elliott, so far he looks great too!

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