Kato continues his attack, attacking unpredictably and with extreme prejudice. His eyes are entirely focused on Ringleader, focusing on attack and not defense.
"Ivan! That shirt is not for the nommening!" He looks to the caravan. "Hello! I am Zetta, and my friend requires medical assistance."
A very CGI boxing glove nails you in the face, sending you sprawling back and falling to the floor SBB and the wisp move in different directions.... You hear a pained growl and slash...SBB goes quiet.... --------- It burbles dejectedly, as if you hurt its feelings... Ringleader is taken by your assault, you fileting him The heavily robed people look you over and nod....did one of them just....just....uh...did one of them just squawk?
He creeps in the direction of the sound. ---------- "I'm sorry, this is just a situation that's put everyone on edge..."
He continues his attack, not repenting for a moment. He will only stop when the Ringleader is a pile of flesh on the ground.
They squawk again, motioning or you to come closer Wisp dims their light, floating high upwards -------- They nod their remaining eye-stalks in agreement....Your shoggoth blurbles as the Mi-Go grow louder Ringleader graciously lets your flurry continue, until he grabs the blade with his gauntlet
He continues waiting for the creature in the dark, keeping his olfactory probe exposed and his muscles tensed to jump. ------------ His weapon is shaking... he is on the verge of breaking... his breathing is growing faster and shallower as his hearts race... 'Oh god. I'm going to have to kill them! I can't do this! I don't want to do it again!'
Kato pulls the sword backwards, and tries to slam his arm into Ringleader's joint, breaking their arm if possible.
The thing seems to be trying to wait you out....you can hear it...but you cant smell or see it.... ----------- Your shoggoth burbles, trying to console you as the Mi-Go get even closer.... Your shoggoth(of whos name i forgot and cannot find) moves over to the door Ringleader actually yelps, showing pain. His body twitches a bit as he slams the side of his blade into your back...not slicing you, but just smacking you.... You're thrown to the ground.....how can he wield that thing with only one arm? Yep....boird-pepul..... They take off their turbans and click their parrot-like beaks, looking Dissida over
He dares not move, save to quickly fling a sizable chunk of flesh in a direction tangential to the wisp light, making it the same color as he normally is. --------- His nerve is breaking... his gun is shaking... his life is flashing... his will is shattering... 'I'm going to die... I'm going to die! Oh god! I'm going to die! I don't want to die! I'm going to die!"
((Does Kato still have the sword?)) Better make it no arms. He pushes himself up and continues his assault, going instead for limbs, trying to disable him.
"Parrot Avians? Jesus Zetta why cant you just stay in our dimension for longer than 12 seconds?" "Because that would be boring!"
Without another thought, she walks to the nearest boat and starts to push it before hopping on, moving it as silently through the water as possible.
Nothing else, the skeletons are cackling happily. The wisp sparks appreciatively ------------ Your shoggoth seems to panic for a moment, before filling the doorframe and changing...color to match the walls...well...chamelo-goth... (( Yup, he still has it )) He parries your strike, his wings unfurling. He slips around you, kicking you in the side " Its good! *cough* V-very very *cough* Good! " Somber pulls you into the kitchen " *SQAAAAAAAAAAUK* HOW ARE YOU! ARE YOU HURT? " Before you can get onto the boat, you see a little child staring at you forlornly
He remains hidden... he can lie dormant for some time... let's see if the demon has his patience. After all, SBB is still a threat... ------------ His panic begins to subside. He prays that it works... 'Thank you...'