REQUEST Damask Wallpaper Help

Discussion in 'Mods' started by asmothstotheflame, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. asmothstotheflame

    asmothstotheflame Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi All!

    Thus far, I've been able to use and/or GIMP (still figuring out tIDE) to alter .png files and XNB extract to repackage them with no issue. My farm is vampire Victorian themed and I wanted to create damask wallpaper, but I am having a lot of issues with blurring of the pixels when I try to resize an image, and I don't really know how to create seamless pixel damask patterns. Can anyone help me with this? I am going for a black and white theme to match. I've included example pictures[​IMG] [​IMG] of what I'm trying to achieve.[​IMG]

    • .Lavender.

      .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

      How I would do this would be one of two methods:

      1) Scale down the wallpaper and (I use Photoshop, not Gimp so I'm unsure if it has a setting like this) make sure the setting to keep the hard pixelly-ness is checked. It may look bad though, but also may look fine.
      2) Put the wallpaper on its own layer, scale down, and then on a new layer on top, trace it by hand.

      To keep it seamless, you just have to make sure the left and right sides would line up. Thankfully, that should be easy with a damask pattern. If you know the image is seamless, you could take the left and right sides and combine them to make the wallpaper tiles.
        asmothstotheflame likes this.

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