1. Note: Nightly builds are not officially supported and things that appear broken might actually just be broken with no way of fixing it, but community members may still be willing to assist you with common problems.

Closed Daily nightly update

Discussion in 'Nightly Builds Support' started by chris.friday, Apr 19, 2016.

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  1. chris.friday

    chris.friday Space Hobo

    There aren't any new updates on Steam from last Friday or Saturday. On starbounder.org current version is April 19, 2016. Also on Starbound's blog there are infos about new things which were added to the game. Does anyone have same problem?
  2. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    They don't always upload a nightly, especially if they have been absent from the office. They will release one eventually.
  3. chris.friday

    chris.friday Space Hobo

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