1) What is your favorite: a) insect? b) fish/marine non-mammal animal? c) birb? 2) If the above get in fights, who would win?
1) Birds 2)I can't tell for sure, but at least I think the insects will lose Litteral moon whales no, tho it has been stated recently that giant space whales (over 600 km) do sometime orbit around planets
Actually, I was trying to ask for your favorite animals by category(i.e. favorite bug, birb and fish) <=D oh well.
Oh xD My bad, lemme correct myself then Bug: Rhino beetle Bird: Penguin Fish or so: Giant Oarfish Hm.... Tough question, here x) Tsumiki from Acchi Kocchi, I think AND, not or, but AND x) Megumin from Konosuba
Continuing with that, if you're stuck with eating a single food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
(Good answer. The best one I've heard is 'pizza'.) Worst food (that qualifies as food) in your opinion?