Last Updated: [03/22/2017] Current Version: [v1.0] Apparently there was an old planned bus interior map that was cut, but still in the files. I've restored it and used it as an interior for Pam's bus: I had to make some edits to the map: - Removed the bus driver (that's Pam's job!). - Flipped the map so it made sense spatially as Pam's bus (it was facing the wrong direction). - Added in some of the never-implemented but finished animations for some of the character tiles. Also as a means to make this map a tad more useful, you can activate the driver's seat and *cough* drive yourself to the Desert if you're impatient and don't feel like waiting for Pam, or too cheap to buy a ticket. :] Requirements: - Advanced Location Loader (and all of it's requirements). *Made for v1.8 of SMAPI and v1.2 of ALL. I will try to keep it up to date with any updates to either of those things, just know that if I don't then it might not work anymore! This mod WILL NOT WORK with the nightly build (the v1.2 beta update). Once it is fully released I will update this mod to it, but until then this mod will only work with v1.11 of SDV. Download: Nexus Mirror: Changelog: v1.0: - Initial Release.
Unfortunately no - that's it. This is the largest issue with making new maps at the moment: it's hard to give them any purpose. :[ That being said, it's not like this is a large mod and it's impossible for it to cause you any issues since it doesn't edit any base game maps. I personally still prefer having these locations even if they don't have a use. :]
So cool. I love finding out about content that was scrapped by the devs but they still leave those traces for others to find later. Thank you for this!
Ulithium_Dragon updated Cut Content: Bus Interior Restored with a new update entry: Poster Fix Read the rest of this update entry...