Modding Help Custom Star with celestial.config missing name in navigator

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by ReDestroyDeR, Jul 14, 2019.

  1. ReDestroyDeR

    ReDestroyDeR Space Hobo

    Hello everybody, I got stucked with one problem, my system type doesn't show up in the navigator. When I left click on it, nav panel becomes kinda useless and I can only close it. I decided to create a mod that adds a custom solar system into generation.

    There's a part that I have added into a config

    "systemTypeBins" : [
      [-1.00, "White"],
      [-0.50, "Hidden"],
      [-0.30, "Orange"],
      [-0.12, "Yellow"],
      [0.00, "Blue"],
      [0.12, "Red"],
      [0.30, ""] // dark mysteries
    & in SystemTypes
       "Hidden" : {
          "selectionWeight" : 0.2,
          "planetaryBodyProbability" : 0.4,
          "baseParameters" : {
            "typeName" : "hiddenstar",
            "image" : "/celestial/system/hiddenstar.png",
            "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5],
            "spaceThreatLevel" : 7
          "variationParameters" : [
              "magnitude" : 3,
              "description" : "Small Hidden Star",
              "imageScale" : 0.04,
              "twinkleFrames" : "/celestial/stars/star7pxHidden.png",
              "twinkleBackground" : "/celestial/stars/backgrounds/star7px.png",
              "brightness" : [1, 1]
              "magnitude" : 5,
              "description" : "Medium Hidden Star",
              "imageScale" : 0.055,
              "twinkleFrames" : "/celestial/stars/star13pxHidden.png",
              "twinkleBackground" : "/celestial/stars/backgrounds/star13px.png",
              "brightness" : [1, 1]
              "magnitude" : 7,
              "description" : "Large Hidden Star",
              "imageScale" : 0.075,
              "twinkleFrames" : "/celestial/stars/star17pxHidden.png",
              "twinkleBackground" : "/celestial/stars/backgrounds/star17px.png",
              "brightness" : [1, 1]
          "orbitRegions" : [
              "regionName" : "Tier7Hottest",
              "orbitRange" : [1, 2],
              "bodyProbability" : 0.5,
              "planetaryTypes" : [
                {"weight" : 1, "item" : "Tier6"}
              "satelliteTypes" : [
                {"weight" : 1, "item" : "Tier3"}
              "regionName" : "Tier3Furhest",
              "orbitRange" : [5.2, 6.3],
              "bodyProbability" : 0.25,
              "planetaryTypes" : [
                {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "GasGiant"},
                {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "Tier6"}
              "satelliteTypes" : [
                {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Moon"},
                {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "Tier2"},
                {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "Tier3"}


    Are these 'types' hardcoded or somewhat?

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