Tool Custom race tips for a newbie modder

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by EsquiloPúrpura, Jan 17, 2025.

  1. EsquiloPúrpura

    EsquiloPúrpura Big Damn Hero

    So, i've made this mod : Gabiru's Vagir Rat Race, and i pretend to keep updating it, so it can be a full-experience custom race mod, any tips for a man that never worked on a starbound mod before?

    My priorities right now are making it compatible for frackin universe and creating hair variaties, wich i dont know why has vanished since i placed my custom template race.

    mod link:

    Attached Files:

  2. Lemon drops

    Lemon drops Cosmic Narwhal

    Random list of tips that I came up with, regarding species mods:

    - Come up with their culture, stereotypes, dress code, favored construction methods, speech pattern, etc. and then make stuff tangential to that, and then tangential to that. In short words give them a unique enough "vibe".
    - Do what you think is cool so you have the drive to make it good, but reign it into the above "vibe" or the vibes will die.
    - Keep them as close to vanilla humanoid as you can or vanilla and other mods cosmetic armors will have issues.
    - Hairdo tip: you can add underwear colors to hairdos and they work, so you can do ribbons and stuff with that.
    - Don't put stuff into the hand crafting menu if you don't really need to.
    - Just tear open starbound's assets if you don't understand something.
    - If you encounter a bug or crash, first step is to ctrl+f and search for the latest "error".
    - Whatever in the log says "exception thrown" about is the cause of the crash.

    Regarding FU stuff:

    If people like your species mod enough, someone who actually knows how to do it will eventually make FU patch FOR you. It happened to me at least.

    If I entirely misunderstood what you were asking, apologies.

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