Well, hello again, starbounders! I want to create a custom quest that players on my server will be able to play without any additional mods. A custom quest on a vanilla server. So I've tried for a while to dabble through some assets and that's what I've got so far: world.spawnNpc(activeItem.ownerAimPosition(), "novakid", "villager", 10, 12345, { type = "nuruoutpost", -- I've decided to take Nuru as the base because... because. baseType= "villager", npcname= "Nova", damageTeamType= "assistant", damageTeam= 1, persistent= true, scriptConfig= { offeredQuests= {{ templateId = "novaquestilb", questId = "floranarena3", parameters = {}, id = "novaquestilb", prerequisites = {}, title = "^green;TEST", text = "Test", completionText = "Test", moneyRange = {1200, 1200}, rewards = { { { "flamingdemonsword", 1 }, { "trophygold", 1 } } }, updateDelta = 10, script = "/quests/scripts/instance.lua", scriptConfig = { portraits = { default = "questGiver" }, descriptions = { enterInstance = "Talk to ^orange;Nuru^reset; to travel to the ^orange;arena^reset;", findGoal = "Win the arena battle", turnIn = "Return to ^orange;Nuru^reset; at the ^orange;Outpost^reset;" }, warpEntityUid = "novanpcilb", warpAction = "instanceworld:arena3", --TODO warpDialog = "/interface/confirmation/teleportconfirmation.config=arena3", --TODO goalTrigger = "proximity", proximityRange = 20, goalEntityUid = "arena3teleporter", --TODO indicateGoal = false, trackGoalEntity = false, turnInEntityUid = "novanpcilb" } } }}, turnInQuests= {"novanpcilb"}, uniqueId = "novanpcilb", reactions= { spontaneous= { } }, personalities= { {1.0, { personality= "normal", reactions= {} }} }, behaviorConfig= { greetingChance= 0, play= false, chat= false }, chatPortrait= "/interface/chatbubbles/nuru.png:<frame>", --TOCHANGE chatSounds= { avian= { male= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" }, female= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" } }, apex= { male= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" }, female= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" } }, floran= { male= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" }, female= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" } }, glitch= { male= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" }, female= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" } }, human= { male= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" }, female= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" } }, hylotl= { male= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" }, female= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" } }, default= { male= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" }, female= { "/sfx/humanoid/novakid_chatter_male3.ogg" } } }, dialog= { converse= { default= { default= { "Howdy, partner!" } } } } }, items= { --TOCHANGE override= { {0, { { primary= { { name= "teslastaff" } } } } } } } ) EDIT: So I've figured out with 'parameters' section. But the other things seems to do nothing....