Modding Help Custom Dungeons failing to spawn correctly [SOLVED]

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by soldierfast90, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    So i'm trying to spawn in custom dungeons, but objects and items won't spawn correctly. I used the /placedungeon command.

    Pictures and the dungeon files are in the "".

    I'm trying to make a Bunker and a "battleship" but when I spawn either in, the special "SU" blocks which are "place biome blocks here" just become climbable boundary blocks. Objects such as furniture also fail to spawn properly. In the case of the battleship, only some spawn in (and that was after I restarted the game). In the case of the bunker, none.

    The battleship is a singular dungeon, like an airship and "runs" on the basis on one yet it fails to load. My other singular WORKING dungeon is a "uscmlonebunker_human" which is significantly smaller, the size of an apex house and is singular yet that loads in fine.

    The bunker is "run" on the basis of an apex abandoned lab, yet that also fails.

    I have ensured that all objects are exactly as in vanilla when using TILED. Example is that the "uscmsmallbunker_start" has it's appropriate anchors set to the anchors layer, including the dungeon connectors. For hallways and other connectors, their dungeon connectors are in the objects layer, like the apex connectors.

    By "run" I mean based on, like copied, but changed to fit criteria of the new dungeons. Also only the battleship is "patched" in. The uscmsmallbunker isn't.

    My only guess is that the dungeon files are pulling assets from the mod file and not the game itself.

    Attached Files:

  2. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    I'm thinking there are special instructions for adding custom stuff to tiled? But tiled isn't something I've played with yet.

    So I'm not too useful on this one. I do think there is a guide or two around here if you search/poke around enough.
  3. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    Well ...
    Im on mobile and its late so im going to check your zip tomorrow but this post is going to be more like guessing than everything else...
    First : Tiled is very modular , thats because it is used so much , but this also causes a lot of problems:
    Tiled is known to cause some bugs in maps imported into Sb, you should search for a list of known bugs, maybe you've hit one.
    Have you checked your log file ? In most cases the log file clarifies the problem very well

    Possibly Fixes :
    Open a .json file from some working dungeon and your dungeon.json file ,
    Check your file , sometimes Tiled just throws some statements and numbers in Starbound isn't expecting and can't deal with .

    After all it seems to be a problem related to Tilesets and/or not matching block ids, so you could go through all of the stuff in your .json file and change it by hand... (Not cool , but it works often)


    (If i made grammar mistakes, remember im not a native speaker :nurutease::catsparkle:)
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
  4. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    I recall reading by someone here, they use an old version too. Can't tell you the version. But some change they made is less optimal for Starbound. Something like that.

    Like I say, I'm actually not too useful where Tiled is concerned. Someone around here who is may poke their head in eventually. But do a forum search on Tiled

    Now I can tell you this. The vanilla folder /tilesets/ is for Tiled to use. That very well could help... or not.
  5. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes definitely make sure your path is correct when using custom tiles , its going to crash even if you made one typo in your path of course ... Tiled isn't so concerned about paths, because it is an desktop application and it can use all folders ,while mods are limited to starbound of course.
    Yep thats what i was trying to say... Sb and Tiled don't like each other to much

    And please try open your game, place all dungeons that aren't working and then shut your game down ,
    Locate your log file in the storage folder and paste the whole log in here, as it would help a lot !
  6. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Heres the log file. I spawned in the battleship, the bunker and a new case, the ussrtradingbuilding, which runs off the working ussroutpost. The ussrtradingbuilding also fails to load.

    I'm also using vanilla game content only.

    If it helps, I first edit and save the tiled maps in the "unpacked" folder inside the assets of starbound, then once I'm done I transfer the json to the dungeon file on the mod.

    Attached Files:

  7. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    ok i think i found your problem, there is a line in your log ,it says:
    "Caused by: (TreasureException) Unknown treasure pool 'basicTreasureChest'"
    It seems you've included a treasurechest which doesn't exist, try changing it . by the way it's the dungeon called
    Same error for the ussrtradingbuilding dungeon.

    Don't do this! Please try and make a new .txt file in the actual location in mod folder and build all of the stuff from scratch
    (importing tilesets etc.) this helps at least for me,since Tiled sometimes generates strange paths for the assets.
    You cannot just copy a File from one folder in another because then all the path and dependencies are wrong !
    Hope it helps !
  8. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah I see what I did wrong. Thanks for the info.

    Wait why do I need a txt file?
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2017
  9. Cyel

    Cyel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Because as he said:
    I've had the same issue when making my own microdungeon, I had to manually edit the .json tileset paths. I thought that was maybe your error and checked, it's all fine for you.
  10. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh sorry :nurushock:
    you have to create a new .txt file and then rename it to .json so you get a blank .json :nuruwink:
    then open it with Tiled and set everything up as always...

    i'm probably going to create a full tutorial later this week...
  11. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well I tried the blank txt file. Didn't work so I just copied and pasted the data from my "unpacked" ussrtradingbuilding into the blank one. I then renamed the files to the the paths.

    "source":"..\/..\/..\/..\/assets\/packed\/tilesets\/packed\/objects-by-category\/generic.json" (example)

    Of course that fails to load in anything.

    But apparently when I look through the "unpacked" version. It apparently says there is a "tiled" file despite that not existing (the errors that appear with the nonexistant heckbiome-things).

    Despite that, using the new json, the blocks spawn and 4 objects spawn, but in the wrong positions. Even if Tiled completely fails to load said json that starbound used.

    ussrtradingbuilding and ussrtradingbuilding1 are my attempts at renaming it to packed or packed.pak.

    Also: Forgot to mention, I setup a blank tiled map with the same settings as the regular assets json's then proceeded to recreate a template. Spawned in this template and same results as just copying to the mod file.



    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
  12. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    ok seems like an old Tiled-Starbound error:
    Possible Problem 1:
    The Problem is, while inside Tiled you can place objects on top(not above, more like a layer on top) since Tiled doesn't care about the size of each object. Starbound does care about the boundaries of objects and it'll fail to load objects that stacked ontop of each other...
    Possible Problem 2:
    You may have placed your objects in the 'back' layer , all of the objects placed in the backlayer are also going to produce errors while loading.
    Possible Problem 3:
    Objects with rotation.
    Tiled allows the textures of objects to be rotated and flipped and stuff, these objects are also more likely to produce errors with non rotated textures.

    Sorry if my post was a bit to unclear, it's beacuse Tiled won't load my Assets properly so in my Editor you don't have any Blocks in your Dungeon... But thats probably my Problem xD

    Whatever caused the problem it is not a bug with Starbound or Tiled, because nearly everything fails to load.
    This is very likely to be caused by a human :nuruwink:

    [07:50:22.382] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: wreckdoor direction: 1 position: (990, 1025)
    [07:50:22.383] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: fridge direction: 1 position: (993, 1025)
    [07:50:22.383] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: oven1 direction: 0 position: (996, 1025)
    [07:50:22.383] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: woodencabinet1 direction: 1 position: (1000, 1025)
    [07:50:22.383] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: bathroomtrash direction: 1 position: (1003, 1025)
    [07:50:22.383] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: tier2chair direction: 1 position: (1008, 1025)
    [07:50:22.383] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: bunkertable1 direction: 1 position: (1011, 1025)
    [07:50:22.383] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: tier2chair direction: 0 position: (1014, 1025)
    [07:50:22.383] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerheater1 direction: 1 position: (1018, 1025)
    [07:50:22.383] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: wreckdoor direction: 1 position: (1021, 1025)
    [07:50:22.383] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: microwave direction: 1 position: (999, 1027)
    [07:50:22.384] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: smashabledrink2 direction: 1 position: (1011, 1027)
    [07:50:22.386] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerdesk direction: 1 position: (992, 1032)
    [07:50:22.386] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: tier2chair direction: 0 position: (996, 1032)
    [07:50:22.386] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: prisonfile2 direction: 0 position: (999, 1032)
    [07:50:22.386] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: outpostslidingdoor direction: 1 position: (1002, 1032)
    [07:50:22.386] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: outpostslidingdoor direction: 1 position: (1009, 1032)
    [07:50:22.386] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: wrecklocker direction: 0 position: (1011, 1032)
    [07:50:22.386] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: wrecklocker direction: 0 position: (1013, 1032)
    [07:50:22.386] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: wrecklocker direction: 0 position: (1015, 1032)
    [07:50:22.387] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerconsole4 direction: 0 position: (1018, 1032)
    [07:50:22.387] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: screenplanet direction: 1 position: (1018, 1036)
    [07:50:22.389] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerbookcase direction: 1 position: (993, 1039)
    [07:50:22.389] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: bunkerbookcase direction: 0 position: (1000, 1039)
    [07:50:22.389] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: outpostslidingdoor direction: 1 position: (1002, 1039)
    [07:50:22.389] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: outpostslidingdoor direction: 1 position: (1009, 1039)
    [07:50:22.389] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: apexsink direction: 1 position: (1011, 1039)
    [07:50:22.389] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: basicbathdripping direction: 1 position: (1016, 1039)
    [07:50:22.390] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: bathroomstall direction: 1 position: (1019, 1039)
    [07:50:22.390] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: prisongraffiti4 direction: 1 position: (996, 1042)
    [07:50:22.392] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: lunarbasebunk direction: 0 position: (994, 1046)
    [07:50:22.392] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: outpostslidingdoor direction: 1 position: (1002, 1046)
    [07:50:22.392] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: outpostslidingdoor direction: 1 position: (1009, 1046)
    [07:50:22.392] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: wreckcrate1 direction: 0 position: (1012, 1046)
    [07:50:22.392] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: lunarbasebunk direction: 1 position: (1017, 1046)
    [07:50:22.392] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: smashabledrink3 direction: 1 position: (1012, 1048)
    [07:50:22.394] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: fluorescentlight direction: 1 position: (1000, 1051)
    [07:50:22.394] [Warn] Failed to place dungeon object: fluorescentlight direction: 1 position: (1011, 1051)
  13. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    By the way, why are you using nearly all tilesets ? because i tryed to localize all the missing tilesets Tiled prompts me , but the list is horrorfying long!
    AND why do you use all of these Stagehands ? they dont have any value stored, so whats the point on keeping them ?

    You've used Tile Layer Format CSV !
    It has to be zlib-compressed , maybe thats an problem too, i've never tried to make a map in CSV , but the developers used zlip-compressed so we should also!

    Wow a lot of questions ! :nurugasp: but i hope it helps !
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
  14. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah now I see. The 2 files I gave you were (purposely) incorrectly "renamed". What I mean is that both of those files had their json manually modified to a different path from the Starbound file. The difference between the 2 was the path being packed or packed.pak. Of course that ended up with a bunch of useless stagehands in place of objects. This thread could've probably been avoided had I used the zlib compressed.

    The json list was long because I tried to import via "collection" of images, so every single png was an attempt to experiment with the files.

    Odd thought that I did the copy and paste thing with 2 other tiny dungeons and they worked despite me using the template from the assets folders.
  15. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    oh ok well it still isn't working ? did you check the placement of the objects (backlayer frontlayer etc.) ?
  16. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ehh, results are clunky. It seems that "procedural pieces" are wonky to work with. I am however able to successfully import the files from the assets folder into the mod folder. I simply saved the json made using the template in the same folder then imported (copied) it. Worked with no errors. Although I'm having issues with correct non-glitchy spawning although some of the wonkyness might be just because the unpacked folder is in the same folder as assets. I guess eh, kinda solved.

    Never had any issues with layer inconsistencies though. Always been in the correct layer. Always. Except my first attempt that never got released for my mod.
  17. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok so the problem is "solved" kind of ?
  18. soldierfast90

    soldierfast90 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah kinda. Kinda.
  19. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

  20. HerrJunky

    HerrJunky Void-Bound Voyager

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