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CTD on hitting level 10 farming

Discussion in 'Support' started by snaxatax, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. snaxatax

    snaxatax Space Hobo

    I tried going to sleep on Fall 26 and the game crashed right after fading to black. I tried sleeping right away on Fall 26 and then hit level 10 farming on Fall 27, but it crashed again when sleeping.
    • Carkasjak

      Carkasjak Void-Bound Voyager

      I believe this happens when the GOG version tries to give you steam achievements. Happens on entering the last level of the mine as well.
      • snaxatax

        snaxatax Space Hobo

        Is there a workaround? Or should I refund GOG and just buy it on Steam?
        • Carkasjak

          Carkasjak Void-Bound Voyager

          Hopefully there will be a patch for it soon.
          • snaxatax

            snaxatax Space Hobo

            The most recent update on the GOG downloads page fixes the level 10 farming issue. It should fix the mine issue too if they're related.

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